a little twist in destiny II; i accept my destiny

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A/N: I really got frustrated when I'm editing this. I got so far as third attempt and here we are!!!!. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing this chapter.

Sorry for any grammatical errors and wrong spellings.

If you wanted me to make this a book I already have a planned plot in my head but I don't know when I'll drop it down on my drafts but let's hope I don't forget. And if you didn't know there's Vanessa Moe 👆

So without further I do, here's the second part.

My eyes were still closed when I moved around the comfortable fluffy bed, letting out a groan of how soft and the warmth it made me feel thus the scent, it is so freaking addicting that made me want to lay here forever. But a pain shot through my body when I accidentally bump my fist at the bed wall making me jolted up and cried in pain.

"Ow, what the fuck. ow." I sat up and cradled my hands close to me. I looked at them to see it was neatly wrapped tightly with white cloth.

The door suddenly banged against the wall as I jumped scared of how loud it was, and it almost break the wall by the sound of it. Then moments later, hands hold mine soothingly as I bit my lip, feeling my knuckles numb painfully. "Fuck, what happened to them?." I asked, looking up but my jaw drop at how beautiful the woman is, sitting right infront of me.

"You punched like a real badass. That's what happened." she giggled, and what warms my heart when she plant a kiss on top of my knuckles gently. "Does it still hurt?" she stares at me, raising her perfect sculpted eyebrows. I shaked my head, still in a daze by just looking at Vanessa upclose.

She noticed when I stared at her prolongly, and blush painted her cheeks making me smile. Someone cleared their throat, broking my gaze at her addicting eyes. I looked up and saw Mom leaning her body against the door frame, smirking. "I'd see your admiring eyes on Vanessa huh. I think you're really in to her."

I shaked my head as I chuckled letting my body fall against the soft comfortable bed again. As I presumed they gotten along pretty well while I'm still sleep and Mom take it as advantage for me to not whine at her when she told my baby stories.

"Shut up, Mom."

"Don't tell your birth giver to shut up, I don't recall you having that bad kind of attitude while you're here under my roof. And I am mad at you for breaking a bone or two at your uncle's face-"

I widen my eyes as I instantly sat up. "What?" I curiously asked, scratching my head.

"Did he hit his head or something?." Mom asked Vanessa, as she shake her head and looked at me concerned.

While I closed my eyes tightly, as I tried to remember what had happened the past few hours. But my head just seems to ache as my heart soon burned with pain as my mind finally caught what I intended to remember and feel. It is like watching a movie, in a moment you can unrewind and rewind the scenes you wanted to see and also a picture that you wanted to rip out in two but I can't.

I breathe out shakily as I felt my eyes trickled with tears, but when I opened them I felt it run down my cheeks.
Vanessa immediately embraced me with a warm hug, whispering sweet nothing to my ear. As I sobbed out every emotion I'd feel and let it all out through my tears. I am not usually a person who cried when it all becomes too much I just kept it all in but when Vanessa approach me and comfort me. I felt at ease and I know the moment it did, I wouldn't be able to hold myself anymore and one time I'd just dream about kissing her but I wanted to take it all slow. And let my heart beat thump against at my chest painfully for now.

"I can't believe-I can't believe it. They both fooled me behind me back and I didn't even fucking realize it if I haven't follow Camila yesterday. Am I not enough for her? Does my love not enough to melt her frozen heart? Am I-I alone not enough for her need or anything. I just can't seem to find anything wrong with me yet I felt it is my fault if I became more better and I-I-"

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