don't want to, but i need to.

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As the bell rang, Y/N gathers her things and was putting it inside her bag when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked up, the corner of her lips instantly lifts up as she heard the thump of her heart beat against her ribs. "Hey."

"Hi." brown doe eyes said meeting her gaze with burning love and adoration roamed around those orbs as she reciprocated the smile she give. They held their gaze for a moment, luring each other to their worlds as both of their eyes hold the same intensity of love, grasping each other as they got lost to the galaxies of emotion of their gaze could hold. But their moment suddenly interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Y/N is the first one to broke out her gaze towards her love, looking up at the latter. She saw her teacher crossed her arms while tapping her heels impatiently. "School time is over lovebirds, I am so ready to go home and excited in fact. Are you two not? because if not make sure to pay me a grant to stay here monitoring you guys." Mrs. Sanchez sarcastically spoked, raising her eyebrows.

"Uhm, y-yeah actually we a-are on our way. I'm sorry i-if we hold you b-back Mrs. Sanchez." Y/N stuttered, as Camila stared at her face giggling beside her, amused at the flustered face she have. Y/N glared at her playfully as she hold her hand and cluth her bag at her free hand, dragging her out off the room."Thought so. Be safe, kids." Mrs. Sanchez waved goodbye as she saw the both of them disappeared through the hallway. 

Y/N suddenly halted in the middle of the hallway when she remembers something. She slips her hand out of Camila's grasp as she rummaged through her backpack while Camila just looked at her curiously. "What are you doing?." she asked, as she practically made a mess when she abruptly dig through her bag. Y/N ignored her, still looking for something as she kneel down in one knee until she felt the short envelope underneath his palm. She sighed in relief, looking up at her while she smiled, her eyes twinkle with hope. "I got something for you." She stood up, holding out the red envelope as she nervously tap her foot against the tiled floor.

Camila grins when she grabbed the red envelope, scanning the red piece of the paper carefully as it reads, "For your eyes only, Mila."

She looked up at her, seeing Y/N is motioning her head, urging for her to open it. She purses her lips as her cheeks be painted with red tomato as she oblige silently and a white folded paper seated neatly at the small envelope. Excitement filled through her veins as she slowly unfold the paper and read what is written on the neatly handwritten piece.

A couple of minutes had passed. Y/N is patiently waiting for Camila as her palm sweat and she wipes it on her jeans. But the air in her lungs suddenly vanish away when small arms wrapped around her waist tightly, suffocating her lungs to not let the oxygen her lungs needed. She looked down and saw it was Camila hugging her. She felt her own cheeks warmed at the sudden contact and she reciprocated wrapping her arms around her. Camila looked up at her, smiling widely as it reached towards her ears, with her eyes teared slightly."Yes. I want to go out on a date with you."

Y/N never thought what euphoria means until now. No one words ever express what she is feeling right now. She didn't expect Vanessa to say yes after just a month of them spending their time towards each other. Ever since Y/N lay her eyes upon hers when they held an eye contact, the day they bump to each other on the first day of school and ever since Y/N couldn't get her mind off of her. Every moment she'd never slipped a second to stare in adoration as when she saw her in the hallways, cafeteria, the gym and even when the school is over her gaze would follow her tracks until she enters her dad's car. Even her presence she knew it too well. She may be seem crazy staring like a fool at her but a fool never fooled himself. She knew before she lay her foot in the school grounds she had a feeling something or someone will changed her ife forever and she'd never thought it be this in an instant. But she is definitely not complaining.

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