I'm dark, you light up my path.

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Y/N never thought she'd found herself on the same pavement again.

Lost in her thoughts, stared off in another dimension while looking at nothing but the atmosphere, many empty bottles surrounded her sides, but still another one left on her arms. Hugging onto it as if she's depending her life on it.

She sighed a millionth times as the air tickles her skin making her shiver slightly. It was cold in October, as she was so lost in her mind, her heart cold as the air and going through her deepest branches of her problems.


It always had been and will be.

She had been through all those many what if's and why's that she got tired and waste her time on bottles everyday. She knows it's not healthy but she doesn't know what to do, it's either escape it or rather run away from the pain. She cannot handle the pain herself and she don't want to go through medications or shits she saw on the internet on how to get over the pain but she found none to satisfy her needs. Her mind just immediately think of the bottle of cancer while browsing on the internet but she don't want to go through what her father did when her mother died. She can't imagine the look of hurt on his face and now, she can't even look on the mirror, fearing she'd see her father on her reflection.

She wanted change, she can choose to but she is comfortable of what she's used to.

So, she takes a mild sip of the bottle and sighed again as her thoughts comes back to her.

The one and only girl she'd fell in love with. Camila Cabello.

Camila is sweet, caring and the most genuine person she'd ever met in her whole life since Y/N isn't the type of person to socialize herself with others, thinking they will all left her in the end and she stayed on that mindset until Camila proved herself to Y/N and made a blooming relationship. As usual, they started it off as friends and later on, even though Y/N contemplated whether she'd act out on her feelings because she's too scared to confessed her feelings on Camila. Y/N feel overwhelmed over the feelings she never thought she'd ever feel in her whole life which made her nerves even more nervous than presenting infront of the class. She avoid this feelings at all cost. Afraid that she might feel the same way as her father did and don't want end up like him which is why she prevents herself for furthermore intrusions in her life.

Many had attempt to enter or break her walls but Camila is special. She made through Y/N's walls easily and in just an instant broke it even more when Camila left her. And that's why her mind keeps telling her 'I told you so' repeatedly and she can't help but to bawl her eyes out and almost passed out in the street with her tears dampen her cheeks, still hugging the bottle on her chest.

Y/N woked up with the sun light on her face but what confuses her the most is she is laying on a comfortable bed. She bolted in her sleep while holding her hand up on her eyes with a growing pain in the head, to prevent the sunlight penetrating her eyes and heard the door opened.

She looked up and saw a stranger offered her a warm welcoming smile, holding a tray contained soup and warm tea. She had a bright green eyes with golden flakes around the orbs that Y/N can't help but get lost into another universe yet she shook her head when she pictured brown eyes looking at her instead.

Y/N looked around when green eyes placed the tray on the nightstand, avoiding her eyes while fiddling with the bed sheets.

"Where am I?" Y/N husked out calmly, not even caring where she'd end up but grateful she's still breathing. She learned to not care about the world but she still kept her good manners around people.

"I'm Vanessa." The stranger introduced herself first before looking at Y/N whose looking down on her lap. "I hope you don't mind me, taking you here. I-I saw you in the streets and thought why not help this stranger."

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