love, Y/N.

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A/N: as I said in my message board, I'll probably publish my short story when I'm already done to share it to you guys. And here it is.

If you may be wondering the original names I put are Light and Sky. And if you ever saw a name Sky in here please tell me so I can edit it.

Again, sorry for any errors and such. I tried my best and hope I'll get a high score for this one. 

Thank you guys so much for almost 1k reads! Much love!. Enjoy!

Life is so bright and beautiful. There are so many things you could experience and wonder. So many chances to take and it's up to you whether you'll waste it on something else or go through it without a doubt in your heart that it will be okay even if you fail. That no matter what happens you'll try and try to get what you wanted. There are so many time on the clock in this world you couldn't help but to spend drinking or popping pills in your mouth. Thousands of people on your trail or no one, you'll still have to go through life without complaining. But as I grow up, I have my whole family with me alongside with my childhood friend, Camila supporting me. I don't struggle with problem that much, because I am so sure someone will be by my side and I don't think I could be this man as I am right now if it wasn't for them. But I'd rather be alone sometimes and write my feelings down on a several papers and get lost through the euphoria of words that made me feel ease as I continously jot down what my mind ineffably think of. Everyone in the school think of me as a lucky one, but I'd rather not think of that. Until one day. It is in my nature to jog around the quite neighborhood every morning. I just love the way the sunlight kissed my skin as the sound of music in my playlist plays in my ear calming my mind surprisingly taming my thoughts down and I saw the beautiful flowers in some front yard of my neighbors blooms with ease. But as I turn down the curb on my street, I felt my heart stopped for a second, I scrunch down with my hand pressed on my knees as I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't. It feels like my heart is being sqeezed in someone's hand trying to crush it to pieces until it pop and my ribs suffocating my lungs unable for me to breath normally. I clutched my chest tightly, as I couldn't take it anymore. This is all too foreign to me. I am fully aware my parents made me eat atleast three times a day without me complaining and they always make sure I have my proper routine and diet. I shaked my head, throwing all the negative thoughts my mind shouted as my heart ache painfully and pounded with fear at the same time. I stay still at the same position, since I haven't feel my normal breathing pattern. It felt like hours, days and even counting down the calendars for weeks staying in this feeling, until  my body decided and failed me, letting me fall down on the concrete cold ground.

I woked up with the my eyes caught the blaring fluorescent lighting down on me. I closed my eyes again until I got to get used to it. Shock runs through me when I could finally able  to glimpse in the reality. I looked down as my hand is covered up with wires alongs side my chest when I lift the blanket as I felt something sticky gluing to it whilst pain suddenly shot through my brain. I rub my temple to sooth the pain. I looked around the room until my gaze caught the sight of my Mom sleeping comfortably in the chair, her head is leaning on the wall. But something caught my eyes as I squinted, seeing her tears strained on her cheek. I smile even though my heart ache, I couldn't picture my Mom having her crying all night and seeing those tears filled the corner of her eyes. All I ever wanted for Mom is to feel anything but this. I know deep down in myself she'd blame herself, claiming it's her fault not taking care of me as much. But nevertheless I'll reassure her and make her feel like nothing ever happen as I'd never been in this hospital gown, laying like a helpless reckless kid without a hope of going home. But my thoughts halted and my gaze turned towards the door when I heard it creacked open. At first, the person came in with her eyes open, her hands feeling the surroundings around her as the corner of my lips lift up until I think it reached the moon. My heart thumps against my chest when she finally opened her eyes, thinking it would be a stupid move acting like a blind even when she's not. Her eyes hesitantly caught mine, hearing her breath caught in her throat as she jogged down the bed as fast as she could engulfing me with a bear hug. But I didn't complain even my heart ache painfully again as I wrapped my arms around her as much. "I thought I'd lost you. Don't scare me like that ever again." she cried in my shoulders, sobs broked out through her body as her tears run down freely on my hospital gown. I just whispered quitely nothing but sweet words to her ear, wiping her tears as I could. I don't know what's more painful, the pain in your heart that blooms suddenly without you knowing and the thought of it never going away or seeing the person you love cry endlessly as though the fear is prominent in those brown eyes. Yes, I love her ever since my blue eyes land on those enticing brown eyes I've ever seen in my entire life when my mom and hers met one day in the school program and turns out they are both the bestest of friends back in high school. Even though my mind is young as a 14 years old could ever do, I fall in love with her. She is my bestfriend since when we'd talk and talk until her Mom suddenly called for them to go home. And I'd never thought the moment she waved goodbye and said, "See you later." with those smile that tickles my heart and that made me weak on my knees, I'd fall right there and then. I haven't love somebody as her but what sucks is I never told her. I am scared. So I write when my heart or mind suddenly remembered those smile and eyes, write my feelings in letters with every ounce of feeling I felt and kept it in a small box. Until then I didn't stopped, but my heart stop when the doctors said I will stay for a couple of days until they'd check I am okay. I layed helplessly on the bed and my eyes boringly stared at the while ceiling for a couple of days in the hospital. My family would visit by then and there and Camila would too, but since she had to go to school she never had to do so. My hands itch for pen and paper, I am so used to writing my thoughts down with my messy handwritings. I am not a person who'd sit down and ramble on and on about my day. It took me a couple of days to do it, but surprisingly with Camila I passed through my barrier and she just walked passed straight through my walls.

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