what are all the odds

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while!?. Yes it is. I'm so sorry for the delay and mistakes I have in here please bear with me. And there's a little mature content in here. You may be warned. No it's not smut. 😁

Love yourself and don't do drugs kids it is not the solution.


As the birds chirp outside and the sun slowly shine ablaze around the town, even the curtains are slid shut it still managed to sneaks in through the blinds. Camila felt it and it made her open her eyes. She stretches and groan for a moment but when she accidentally rolled over the bed, she bumps into someone. Someone.

Camila's eyes widen and looks at the latter, and she did the worst thing that could literally made someone's mood upside down. She first screams right directly at the person's ear then when it moved she scramble away as much as possible from him.

"What the f*ck?," Y/N grumbles, grasping his right ear and wiggles the part to rid off the annoying sound his ear make. But he stop when he heard a quite footstep that is coming from inside his room. His eyes caught a naked woman with her huge ass on display and it made his eyebrows raised.

"Hey, there nakey lady," he rasped, biting his bottom lip.

Camila freeze when she heard a raspy voice. She looks down and indeed she is in her full glory. Camila had a lot of questions in mind but her first instincts is to cover her private parts immediately.

He chuckled. "There is no need to hide, beautiful. I already see the world before you hide it from me,"

Camila rolled her eyes while groaning and about to turn around but it almost slips out of her mind that she is naked, yet she remembered and stayed where she is.

"Can you please shut up and please tell me why am I naked?," She huffs in annoyance and looked around to find her clothes or anything to cover her body up. But she seems helpless because the part where her eyes only see is no clothes to be found and the room is neatly arranged.

Y/N holds his temple and slowly soothes it. He shrugs even though the naked girl didn't saw him. "I don't know. I could asked the same thing about you, too." He yawned, throwing the duvet away and gets up from the bed not even minding if he is naked or not, observing the petite brunette in front of him. She is looking around but limiting herself to look behind. Y/N instantly have an idea in mind of what she is looking for and before Camila could find it he already have. He grabs her clothes and walks quitely until he is a few centimeters away from her. But Camila didn't notice it.

Y/N didn't get a hold of his mind straight and let the part of his wild side overpower him. Seeing a beautiful behind and sexy woman sure do made his lower part go crazy. He wraps an arm around Camila's waist feeling the soft warm skin underneath his skin, reaching out her clothes and he makes sure his lower part touches into her butt. The petite brunette gasps in pure shock when she felt a warm chest against her back and a erect sticking in between her ass.

"I find your clothes and my dick find your ass. It a win-win situation right?" He smirks but it fades as soon as the moment he did. Camila immediately turned around even though she is naked and she slaps the man infront of her, hard. The hard slap made Y/N turned his head, he flinches and his hand fly softly to his cheek, his jaw drop because he didn't expect it while Camila smirks with pride, seeing his cheeks turn in crimson red. "And my hand found your cheek, isn't that too sweet?" She gritted her teeth and immediately grasping her clothes from his hand and her things hastily. Y/N stood like a statue not even knowing what to do, as his face immediately washes with guilt and Camila got dressed, before he could apologize she is already leaving without a single word but a slam of the hotel room door.

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