i am here. always.

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Storm clouds loomed over the horizon, as the wind sways on the surface making the windows fight against its impact. The window is sealed close and the noise it's making, alone send shivers down my spine. The rain is yet to fall down and it didn't help my situation that the fact my parents are away from business trip while my sister is in her friend's house.

I am alone.

I am alone in this house. But the front door is lock, I doubled check it and made sure all the windows in each rooms are closed. I am not scared. It is just that I couldn't comprehend that I am all alone in this house that there is something going on, under my bed. I have no pets. I am allergic to them, even if every time I had the urge to touch and play with them. I am left with a sneezing nose until I am no longer in their presence. I bit my lip and scooted away from the edge of the bed when I heard the noise again. I wrapped the blanket around my body and leaned my back against the headboard. It helps me calm my nerves when I had the assurance that in a way I have nothing on my back but a wood.

It's weird in a Friday lone night. I'd get to experience this. I have my lights on instead of the lamps since I was reading a book that is long forgotten on the edge of the bed when I heard the noise.

The noise broke me out of my thoughts as goosebumps rose on my arms. I shakily let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding it. I tried my best as to figure out what the noise was. I listened intently. It is not moaning, groaning nor whining.

It is like someone is scratching the wooden floor.

The bed abruptly shake making me let out a whimper. I felt my eyes pricking with tears as it clouded my vision. I screeched out in fear when the lights suddenly go off. I closed my eyes since I can't see anything but at the same time I am dreading to see what is under my bed. There's an underlying curiosity on the pit of my stomach but I am afraid that it would give me a heart attack when I saw what it was, when it turns out what I imagine it. But it only worsen my situation, the fact that I can't see anything that I had my eyes close nothing could ever stop my mind from picturing monsters through my eyes. I imagine floating white ghost, gruesome face of a zombie with their eyes hanging off their eye socket as their mouth is foaming salivas mixed with blood and the countless monters faces goes on.

I shudder at the thought of it. I tightly closed my eyes as I breath deeply and exhale softly. I did that for a while and luck is on my side when I felt my heartbeat is back on its rhythm.

It's been a matter of minutes. I waited for someone to scare me out and take me but nothing happens. I no longer heard the scratching sound nor I don't heard someone's footsteps nor ever someone rummaging my things. I think I am only dreaming. As I convince myself and was about to drift off to sleep when I heard a voice. A strange eerie voice that made me jolt and bump my head against the headboard.

I let out a quite, "Ouch" as I heard and felt the edge of the bed dipped with someone's heavy weight on it. I still had my eyes closed just in case it's something I don't wanted to ever see. I pulled up my knees against my chest and wrapped my arms around it, scooting myself on the headboard even though I know I am cornered.

"I smell your fear and it sickens me."

I raised my eyebrows and gulped down my nerves. I shakily replied. "W-what?"

"Do I have to repeat it again when I knew you heard it. It was only the two of us in here after all. Are you deaf?" low husky voice teasingly asked. I can't tell whether they are smiling or smirking or either both.

"Who a-are you?. W-what do y-you want f-from me?" I ignore their question and straightforwardly asked the question that pops in my mind. I am not a blunt person but maybe when put in a situation my curiosity gets the best of me. I know curiosity killed a cat but cat had nine lives and I am one of them. I don't want to fool around when I know in the back of my mind. Someone is meant to be like everyone. And that is they will only know you exist when they needed you for something after that the spotlight will not be yours and your left alone wondering why you are not enough for them. I hate that feeling, it is just a cycled process where anyone is happy when they felt wanted but in the end they get hurt. As much as possible, I kept myself to the one who I feel I belonged to. I don't want anyone running up my nose and them leave me after like I don't exist, that just explains why I am alone every Friday night except this one.

Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now