Chapter 3

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Song of the Day: Chandelier By Sia

Hyacinth's POV: 


I was on a beach, full of rocks. There was a bright light ahead and I couldn't help but walk towards it. My feet were bare and I was stepping on wood, I think I was on a small pier. My hair was down and I had a white flowy dress. There was a a guy in black with his back towards me and he was about to fall into the water. I ran towards him and fell with him in an attempt to save him. I hit the water and he had disappeared. I was drowning and I suddenly saw two dark figures that belonged to a couple of guys, each reaching a hand towards me. I couldn't decide wich one to take and I made up my mind too late. My lungs filled up with water and everything went black.

I was shaken awake by my father. I opened my eyes and met his worried eyes. I was breathing hard and had sweat on my forehead. "Are you okay? We're about to land." he asked, concerned. "I'm okay, just had a bad dream." I answered. He still looked unconvinced but shrugged it off. 

We got out the airplane, got our suitcases and I was waiting at a bench as my dad called a cab. I had my headphones in, listening to Fire Escape by Foster the People and I felt somebody tap my shoulder. I looked up as I took my headphones out.

I saw a girl about my age with red long, straight hair, and huge green eyes. She was as white as paper and very pretty. "Excuse me, but could you give me the time, please?" she asked, with a Irish accent. I smiled and replied, "It's 11:12 pm." I put my phone away and yawned making her yawn. I apologized and we laughed out loud.

"Thank you. My name is Aisling Burk, what's yours?" she asked me. I was loving her accent. "Hyacinth Martinez. Pleased to meet you." I smiled and gave her my hand. She took it and said, "Interesting combination, Mexican?" I giggled and said, "Yup, mexican american. My mom's into weird names."

"I love it! What brings you to London?" she asked. "Taking a gap year and it's always been my dream to travel the world, so why not start with London? I'm currently staying at a hotel for the night and going to try find a place to stay tomorrow." I told her. "No way, me too!" she said, her eyes getting bigger, if it was even possible. I liked her, she seemed nice.

My dad came back and I introduced him to Aisling. "Well, it's time for us to leave Hyacinth." My dad said. I felt sad that I had to leave Aisling. As I got up to leave she grabbed my wrist and said, "Hey, can I have your phone number Hyacinth? I would like to meet up sometime and become friends if it's possible." She had a hopeful face and I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course you can have it! I would like to become your friend too." I replied. We exchanged numbers and I hugged her and kissed her cheek. She looked at me weird. "Oops, sorry. Mexicans usually kiss hello and goodbye. I'm so used to it, I forgot that not everybody does it." I explained sheepishly.

She smiled and said, "It's completely okay, it was just a surprise. I'll make sure to do the same when I meet you again." I nodded and waved as I got inside the cab. "I like her, she's nice." my dad said. I nodded, "Yeah, she is."


My dad woke me up the next day and we got ready to got to Starbucks and then to find my new home.

I was exhausted by lunch time. We went to a place called Nando's and I loved the food so much. My dad loved it as much as me, maybe even more since he loves chicken so much. My phone made a pop sound indicating I got a text. I look at my dad confused since I didn't expect to get a text from anybody, he shrugged.

Hey! It's Aisling Burk. Hyacinth, how's your first day in London? Any luck finding a place yet? (;


I sighed, every place we went to was either too expensive for me to handle or way too out of shape for someone to actually live there.

Hey! It's okay so far. There's this restaurant called Nando's and my dad and I absolutely love it! No luck whatsoever in finding a place. :( How about you?

- Hyacinth

I was almost finished with my food when she answered.

I'm having a great time! Actually, I found a great apartment with a nice neighborhood, and it's just perfect! Only one problem, it is way too much space for one person. I was wondering if you would like to move with me and split the rent? >.<

- Aisling

I gasped.

Oh my God! I would love to! Are you there right now? Can you give me the adress so we can go see it?


She gave me the adress and we went to check it out. I loved it so much! It was in our budget and soo nice and spacious. We agreed to live together and signed the papers. I was really happy to not be by myself at the end.

----7 days later---

I was walking around London. I was looking for a job since the second day I got here. My dad left 4 days ago. I was stressed that I couldn't get a job yet. Aisling and I had settled in already and apparently we had neighbors downstairs. Our landlord told us they were on 'holiday', I learned that meant vacation. Brits I thought. They were two guys a bit older than us, apparently. I hope they were nice and not assholes. Anyway, I was getting pretty depressed and I decided I would go to Brighton to go to the sea and calm down a bit.

I got in the tube and thankfully didn't get lost, Before I knew it, I was in Brighton and sat down on the rocks. I guess I got so lost in thought I started to let the voice take over. My breathing got fast and I couldn't control the thoughts telling me I was a failure for not finding a job. You are burdening your dad with the money all because of your selfishness to come all the way to London. You should go back. What were you thinking? How could you survive by yourself here. You will create problems to Aisling soon enough, she'll find out about your depression and hate you for it. It told me.

I started to shake and hold me head. I kept trying to think that it wasn't true, to shut up, but it didn't work, I had fallen through a hole and the top was too far for me to climb out of this time. I was drowning on my own thoughts.

"Are you okay ma'am?" I heard a guy ask me. I couldn't turn to see him, though. I couldn't move. My body was just rocking back and forth, panicking. He got in front of me and kneeled down, his icy blue eyes looked terrified. I was bothering this guy with my problems as well. I looked to examine him better, he had jet black hair and was as white as Aisling.

Aisling. She was probably wondering where I was. Another person who I bother. Great.

"Dan, I don't think she is okay. What do we do?" The blue eyed guy told another guy with brown hair and big chocolate brown eyes who looked at me just as terrified. "I don't know Phil. Should we call 999?" I was calming down a bit and stopped rocking and shaking.

"I'm fine, s-sorry to bother you." I croaked and tried to stand up only for my legs to get weak and I fell down. I couldn't get back up again.

"Oh, God!" I heard the guy called Phil say. He carried me up bridestyle and said, "Let's take her to Zoe's I'm sure she won't mind."

"Aisling..." I whispered. Great, idiot, just great. Now there will be one more person to pity your uselessness. The voice told me. I then blacked out, remembering the dream I had a while ago.


Hello! So Hyacinth finally meets Dan and Phil. About time!! Sorry for the wait. Poor Hyacinth right? Not the best situation to meet someone for the first time.

Please comment and vote!

Again, sorry for grammar errors, I'm open for constructive criticism and questions.


-Phosterkid ^-^

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