Chapter 6

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Song of the Day: Stay Away From My Friends by Pierce theVeil

Hyacinth's POV:

I knocked on the door, and sure enough there was Phil, my new neighbor.

"Hey! Come on in! The water is heating up so you are welcome to sit on the couch and watch anything you want." Phil said, letting me in and going to the kitchen. Their appartment was more or less the same as ours, the kitchen, hall and rooms at the same place, but of course, decorated differently.

"Thank you." I sat down and turned on the TV. Doctor Who was on, and I squealed with excitement. I then facepalmed and prayed to Jesus Phil hadn't heard that. Luckily, he was far away enough not to have heard.

"Hyacinth, the water is ready, how many cubes would you like?" Cubes? Oh, right sugar cubes.

"Uuuh, two? Oh, Phil could you pour more milk than coffe on it please?" I asked. "Alright." he answered.

He came and sat on a chair across from me, setting my coffee in front of me. It was a Hello Kitty mug. I started to question why they had such a girly cup here. Were they gay? That would explain why he cared so much for me, because he obviously didn't have any interest in me. I sipped my coffee in silence, thinking to myself. Then I caught Phil staring at me.

"How's your coffee?" Phil asked. "It's great, thank you. I shoud've brought some bread with me." I answered.

"Bread? We have white bread if you would like some." he was about to stand up when I stopped him. "Oh, no! No, I meant sweet bread. It's a mexican thing. My grandma would always make me chocolate milk or coffee sometimes and we would eat sweet bread together, mexicans do that. I'm mexican." I said, akwardly.

He sat back down and said, "I like mexican food." I smiled, he was adorable, not in the crush way, he just... was, I guess. "So you're Mexican? Interesting, how did you learn English?" he asked. "Well, I was born in California, I come from there. Spanish is my first language, then I started learning English in third grade, and then I learned Japanese in high school." I told him.

"You speak three languages? Impressive." A guy said. It was Dan, and he was in sweats with a black shirt. He went into the kitchen and poured himself some tea.

"Dan, you remember Hyacinth, right? From this morning..." Phil said a bit akwardly. "Yeah, the rude one who ran away." he said, I looked down at my coffee. Phil looked at him, "Dan, where are your manners? She's our guest-"

"It's okay Phil. He's right, it was rude of me to run away." I interrupted him looking at Dan. "I'm sorry for doing that, thank you for helping me." I apologized. Dan smirked and went to the couch to sit down closely, next to Phil, who gave him a look.

"Anyway, Hyacinth, what brings you to the land of crumpets?" Phil asked. I laughed and told him about that situation and we just got to know each other. I looked at the clock and it was 2 am already.

I jumped up and said, "Oh no! It's this late? I start work tomorrow! I have to go home now, thanks for the coffee Phil." I grabbed my things and headed for the door.

"Wait, I'll take you home." Phil said. I smirked, "Phil, I live upstairs! Nothing's going to happen. Bye Dan!" I said to him, he just waved without even bothering to look at me. "Right, you live upstairs. Want to come by tomorrow?" Phil offered awkwardly. I nodded and waved good bye.


A month later

Phil's POV:

Hyacinth has come by to our appartment almost everyday at night since the day I invited her for coffee. I've had a lot of fun hanging out with her. We text all the time, play games and she likes a lot of the things me and Dan like. She's the little sister I've always wanted and never had. She hasn't really had any panic attacks that I know of since then, thank God. Still, I always worry for her, I know anxiety isn't easy, but Zoe tells me it something that can be dealt with more or less.

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