Chapter 2

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Song of the Day: Fireside by Arctic Monkeys


Hyacinth's POV:

It was time for the teachers to hand out the diplomas. About time. I sighed. The students who had given their speeches had taken forever to finish. By the time the first girl was done with her speech and a boy whom I recognized as Peter Villegas from the football team got up to the podium, I had stopped listening and instead started looking for my family, whom I soon spotted since each member held up a letter from my name. I couldn't really figure out who had come though. I think I saw my grandma and aunt along with my parents but I wasn't sure.

Soon, it was time for my row to stand up and walk up to give a little piece of paper with our names to the reader who said our names. I started to get a bit nervous as I gave my paper to my 10th grade english teacher. She smiled at me and I nervously smiled back.

"Hijahcinth G. Martainez." Why did she always have to mispronounce my name? Gringas. I thought as I rolled my eyes. It wasn't my fault that my mom was really into weird, or as she says 'exotic' names. My middle name is Guinivere and nobody that has ever known my middle name has pronounced it right. I got my diploma and quickly got off the stage and walked up to my seat. Before I knew it, everybody was throwing their little square hats to the air. I found my family and my grandma was crying. 

"Grandma don't cry. I'm so happy that you guys came!" I said as I hugged everybody. "I am so glad to have been able to live until this day mija. I thank God for this opportunity." She said, and she made me want to cry. "Well, where do you want to go eat on your last day in America?" my mom asked me.

"Hmm, what about BJ's?" I requested. Everybody cheered and we headed to the restaurant.


After dinner, I layed on my bed just thinking. Tomorrow, my dad and I would go to London and check out some appartments that we had found in our price range and seemed nice on the internet.

I was glad he supported my decision and that he was helping me pay until I got a job. I hope I got one fast. I hope everything turns out alright. I had packed a lot of my stuff but the things like my bed, closet, mirrors and etc. stayed here for when I came back.

Since my pillows and bed stuff were gone to a storage place in London along with everything else, I slept with the blanket I used as baby and a little sofa pillow. I turned around to see a little backpack I would take with me on the flight next to a small suitcase with some stuff I needed and couldn't send with the other things.

I felt happy, excited and a bit anxitious. I could feel my bad thoughts start to come and I started breathing a bit fast and shivering. I began to try to breathe slowly and think of the good feelings instead of the bad ones. Did I mention that I had anxtiety along with normal depression? Well, yeah. I do. Anxtious depression, it's horrible. I didn't want another attack so I needed to calm down and think of the excitement instead of thinking I wasn't going to be okay in London. I don't get anxiety over planes, public places or anything like that, but when the voice brings me down and I get those thoughts, my breathing rises and I panick over these depressive thoughts that's why it's anxtious depression. There are different types of depression and that's the one I suffered from.

Thankfully, I was able to shut them out and start to be excited again. I got tired at 1 am. wich is pretty okay since I have to wake up at 8 am, my flight leaves at 10 am and I take an hour to get ready. I fall asleep, with a smile on my face for a change.


I woke up and jumped around. Got into my shower and put on music, singing along. When I was ready I went downstairs. Or I should say flew downstairs, that's how excited I was. My mom made chocolatechip pancakes and I ate 3. I usually eat 2, but this would be the last time I would be eating them for a year. We all got into the car, heading to the airport.

We got there and I felt nervous. My stomach was going crazy. We went inside and sat on the uncomfortable airport chairs. Before we knew it, our flight was getting anounced. I looked over at my mom and she was crying.

She hugged me and whispered, "Honey, I wish you luck! I'm going to miss you so so much. I almost want you not to go and stay with us here. But I know you will be okay, I believe in you 100% and I now you'll be back safe and sound. Have fun, I know you need to do this, I love you." I was shocked and began to cry. My mom was never the loving kind and I think I have never heard her say this. She was supporting but never the kind of person to show it. I hugged her as hard as I could and smelled the scent that would always make me feel at peace. "I love you too, mami. It means a lot for you to tell me this and I will be back. I'm going to miss you." I kissed her cheek and let go as she moved over to hug my dad goodbye.

My arms weren't empty for long, as my sister basically tackled me while crying, hard. Sobbing she said, " I'm g-going to m-miss you, Hya-c-cinth. I love you, good luck." I told her I loved her and kissed her head.

My dad and I started to walk away and waved goodbye. We held hands as he noticed I was shaking. His big hands engulfed my tiny ones, and I immediately felt safe and calm. He would always hold my hand and have the power to make me feel this way.

We found our seats and settled down, I took the window seat since I needed to know where I was, even if I was ten thousand feet above the ground. I put my headphones in, and looked at my dad wich was getting ready to sleep and smiled at his ability to sleep anywhere. I swear, he can sleep standing up and even while driving, I know, crazy. He smiled back and said," Go to sleep Hyacinth. You probably need it." I nodded and sighed, turning towards the window.

When I wake up, I will be in London and my dream would begin.

Heyyyyyy, so I know this was probably a bad chapter but I felt as if it was needed. I know you are probably thinking," Where the heck is Dan and Phil?!?! I came here for them!" Well, you will be pleased to know that they may be coming up next chapter, and the drama will begin. Oooooooohh exciting! Okay, so comment, vote and everything else. Again, I am open to constructive criticism and questions. Thanks for reading guys!



P.S. Sorry for any grammatical errors, please cut me some slack. (;

P.S.S. Tell me if I should update more than just once a week, and I'll try to do so. Or if I should't.

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