Chapter 16

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Song(s) of the Day: Broken Jaw by Foster the People and Home Sweet Hole by Bring Me the Horizon

Dan's POV:

"Dan? Come on, you have to get up. It's been more than two weeks since you got that phone call. You're not the only one who's sad you know?" I heard Phil say. I stayed silent and stared at my other half of the key rings. I couldn't believe she left, she just completely left her life here, left me here. I can't believe she doesn't love me, I refuse to believe it. I felt the bed shift under Phil's weight and glanced at his non-matching pair of socks next to my bare feet.

"I miss her too, it's not the same without her. It feels as if something's missing. The appartment already seems empty without her, and you're not making it better by moping around all day and enclosing yourself in here, you barely eat anything. It isn't healthy Dan, let's go eat! There's Chinese!"

I sighed, "Why did she leave us, Phil? Why did she say she didn't love me anymore?" I questioned looking at his striking blue eyes filled with compassion. He sighed.

"I don't know Dan. Maybe because her family needs her more than we probably do. She didn't like hurting people, she felt guilty, maybe that's why she decided to stay there." Phil answered. I looked down again.

"I can't tell you why she told you she didn't love you anymore or wether it's a lie or not, but I can tell you that I can tell you love her a lot. I know I feel the same way you do towards Aisling, and when I realized that when her meeting with her ex-fiance was over, I would have lost her, I didn't want to lose her, so I went after her. I think you should decide if you love Hyacinth enough to get her back. Aisling and I will be waiting for you when you're ready."

He got off the bed and out of the room, leaving me alone with the silence to think for myself. Did I really...? I looked at the key ring in my hand and got up from my bed without feeling like crap for the first time in weeks. I got out of my room and went to a small room full of everything I own and started to look for something in particular. After a few minutes without success I yelled

"Phil! Where do we keep our suitcases?" After a while I saw Phil accompanied by Aisling coming to the nerd room looking kind of confused.

"Why the hell do you need a suitcase right now for?" Phil asked. I saw Aisling smile when she realized why and nudged at Phil who looked at her and then at me and smiled widely.

"I'll get it for you." he said. I looked at Aisling.

"Would you mind getting me a plane ticket for me as soon as possible?" she nodded and headed to the living room. I went to my room and started gathering all the stuff I would need, Phil walked in with a black suitcase. I smiled at him.

"I'm getting her back."


Hyacinth's POV:

"Harder! PJ, push harder!" I yelled.

"If I push any harder, I might collapse Hyacinth." he said.

"I don't care, I want to get higher, the wind feels great!" I yelled back, laughing. I felt like I was flying, the wind felt nice against my flushed face, my hair pulling back when I swung forward and then meeting my face when I swung backwards. I felt like a kid again. I remembered when my dad would bring my sister and I to the park and he would push me on the swings and I would want to go to the highest point. 

After I knew I wasn't going to get any higher, I prepared for blast off, I counted from 3 when I felt Pj's hands on my shoulder blades 3..2..1

"Blast off!" I lunged forward and felt like I was really flying for some seconds while on mid air. I inhaled, then landed on my feet with a thud. I exhaled and smiled with adrenaline, I giggled and let myself fall to the floor to look up at the beautiful stars surrounding the moon. I stretched when I felt Pj accompany me on the floor.

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