Chapter 5

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                   My dad looked down at me with a sinister look dragging me by my hood. I tried to scream but her tied my hands and put duck tape around my mouth. He then threw me into my room. I struggled and cried shaking my head trying to run away but he pinned me down. He squished my cheeks roughly and smirked ripping the tape from my mouth. I yelped my ears twitching slightly. My fur was up since i was terrified "m-mom wouldn't want this!" I yelled. He slapped me leaving a bruise on one cheek and a hand print on the other "mom isn't here anymore is she?" he said and smiled. My eyes widened and he took my collar off putting his hand around my neck. I try breathing my cheeks turning a bright red "" i tried to say. He pulled out his member and i started to struggle even more but it was hopeless since his grip just got tighter. I kick my legs and tried to scream but couldnt 'f..fuck not this again...' i thought to myself slowly giving up. He chuckled "good kitty" he smirked. He pulled my pants and boxers down and roughly put his member in. I yelled and my ears perked up "i-it hurts p-please stop.." i tried to say since i was hiccuping and sobbing so much that i could barley speak. He just shushed me and continued. I cry and whimpered and started to struggle again but it did no use. He soon finished up with me and pulled out holding my cheek gently "daddy loves you~" he said and pulled his pants up and untied me and walked out locking the door. 

(Its over ya can continue from here now :3)

He left me there under the covered all bruised up. I slowly sat up and rubbed my wrist seeing rope marks. I lowered my ears and started to cry silently my whole body shaking variously "why did you have to go mom....p..please come back...please" i sobbed out and gripped the bed sheets my tears staining it. I reached for my hoodie and took my phone out "maybe texting him will make me feel better.." i whispered and put his number in my phone and texted him 

R:  hey this is ryan

D: oh hey ryan whats up?

R: nothing much but i wanted to ask you somthing

D: ask away

R: im sorry if i seem like i dont know but it seemed like you were ignoring me in Mr.Rizos class

D: oh sorry i didn't see you 

R: oh uh okay 

D: hey can we call?

My ears perked up and my tail swayed quickly a smile has just landed on my face. I blush and quickly type a yes. I then hear my phone doing the jingle and i answered it. "hey " i said happily and get dressed since it was kinda weird calling someone while you naked even though they cant see you. I sat up and smiled hearing his voice. I dont know why but he made me feel so happy. "watcha doin? i asked and he replied with playing fortnite. I roll my eyes "of course" i replyed. He then asked me the same thing " oh im just here uhh drawing! yeah..drawing" i said nervously. "uhuh yeah right i know what your doing....jkjkjk". I blushed "o..oh" i stuttered. He laughed a little "sorry cutie" he said. I blushed darkly and smiled trying to hold in a giggle my tail swaying. My ears then perked up when i herd him yell. I then giggled and i herd him gasp saying that i was really adorable when i giggle. I blushed and smiled hugging my pillow "nuh uh..." i muttered. "mhm" he said back and we went at it like that for a while until he had to go "awe okay bye" i said softly and we hung up. I smiled and giggled softly laying down. After a while of silence my ears lowered. I got up and looked in the mirror "how am i suppose to hide these bruises before tomorrow.." i whispered. I then unlocked the door since i had a secret key i hid. I then sneaked around seeing my dad wasn't home. I then sneaked into his room and got my stepmoms makeup and started hiding the marks. I look at myself and tilt my head "good enough" i shrugged. I then walked back into my room and put on some new boxers. I then put on some shorts and an oversized twenty one pilots shirt. I then put on my converse and walked out. I sway my tail and walked to the park. I then see angel from my old school and gasp he was really my only friend there and i remember when i would where his hoodies. I run up to him and swayed my tail quickly "angel!" i said. He looks at me "oh hey ryan!" we hug and smiled at each other but i then saw him with a girl and my heart instantly started to hurt and my ears lowered but i kept a smile on my face. I had a crush on him for the longest but he then told me he had a girlfriend. I wanted to break down and cry but i held it in and just smiled...

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