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fuck.hoes_: ya fav hoe is back bitches. thx for all the support and i love each and every one of you. over the year ive been gone, i somehow managed to finish school and get my tattoo licence so now i can tattoo ppl legally. im so excited to start a legit life and not just wing my way through everything. on top of gettin my life together education wise, ive gotten so much better mentally. i started doin natural things to help me and im honestly just a lot happier. yeah, its still a work in progress, but ive got my best friends @yamainbitchtoni and @onlybitesizzed_ luv u😙😙
liked by stevencannon, yamainbitchtoni and 59,604 others
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yamainbitchtoni: i luv u sm b 😙😙😙

onlybitesizzed_: bitch im the only one who should be tagged

username1: ^^^ friendship goals

username2: im so happy youre getting better. you deserve it billie

username3: boi u aint shit. stay the fuck outta here

username4: omg im so proud of u billie ❤❤❤

username5: does that mean there hope of me graduating??? lmao

username6: ugh get a life

username7: @username6 boi what ya think shes doin??

fuck.hoes_: i luv all yous 😙😙😙

fuck.hoes_: @onlybitesizzed_ fuck off you can share

onlybitesizzed_: fuck u you mine

ekat19: was i forgotten????

username8: ETHAN!!!!

username9: ^^^😂😂😂😂

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