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"You can't go on tour," Billie's manager stated. He wasn't joking, which left Billie stunned.

"Mikey," she whined, trying annoy him into letting her go.

"Billie," he mocked.

She just pouted, acting like a child. She didn't care because right now, all she wanted was to spend 7 months with her man.

"You just released an ep. You're going to have a bunch of interviews and shows coming up so you have to be in LA. I'm sorry. I want you to go with him, but it's just bad timing." She could hear the sympathy in his voice. Like everyone else, he knows her and Diego's past and doesn't want to repeat last time.

"Maybe in a few months you can meet up with him. But right now, LA is where you need to stay."

She just sighed and look a drag of her dab pen. "I wish I wasn't good at music," she mumbled.

Mikey just laughed before stealing the pen from her, taking a drag for himself.

"Can you make sure I'm able to go on the tour before the five month mark?" Billie asked after a moment of silence.

"Billie, you'll be gone before three."

"Good. I don't trust him around those hoes for fuck all. They need to stay the fuck away from my man," she vented.

Mikey laughed. "You're quite the something."

Just then, Cam came storming into the apartment followed by Toni.

"Baby," Toni tried to reach for her girlfriend, but she slapped her hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me, bitch," Cam hissed. She hasn't seen her this pissed since Dani fucked her girlfriend back in high school.

"What the fuck happened?" Billie asked, not caring if they needed privacy. They were my best friends and if the fight was serious enough, she'd be dragged into it anyway.

"Fucking tell her what the fuck you did," Cam demanded.

Toni looked down, not wanting her best friend to know.

Cam got impatient with her girlfriend; if you could even say they were together anymore. "Ayalla wasn't fucking Tori. Her and Toni were fucking around the entire time."

That hit her like a brick to the head.

Why would Toni do that to me? Billie thought.

She didn't say anything, only walked down the hall to the room the couple shared. She grabbed a random bag and started shoving all Toni's stuff in it.

"What the fuck, Billie?" Toni seemed offended by her actions. Billie didn't want her anywhere near her apartment ever again and the sooner she was gone, the better.

"Get the fuck out," Billie spat.

"What? You're not serious. Where the fuck am I gonna live?"

"I don't give a fuck. Get the fuck out. You hurt my best friend and the only one who treated you right. She fucking loves you, but you're such a fucking cunt that you can't see it. Like fuck, Toni. And sleeping with my girlfriend? That's low, even for you."

With that, I left. Cam followed after me to get her mind off things.

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