twenty four

457 7 0


As Billie paced around her room, she stared down at the messages she has yet to answer. She didn't care if Diego knew she read them because it added to her dramatic scene.

Sighing, she threw on a better shirt before walking out of the apartment. Cam and Toni were on a date so she didn't need to worry about them. And as for Ethan, she was pretty sure he said something about getting laid.

She slammed the door shut before walking bare footed to the other end of the hall. In some ways, she hated how she lives so close to Diego, but at the same time she loved it.

After knocking, he whipped open the door, high as fuck, and pulled her in by the waist. He instantly went for the kiss after shutting the door, something Billie didn't complain about.

He dragged her to his bedroom, not taking his lips off hers as they slowly started to lose clothing. Eventually, they were both in their underwear.

Billie felt a bit uncomfortable since she didn't even think to wear anything matching, but she knew Diego didn't care.

"Baby," Diego kissed her neck, this time not caring about marks. "I'm." More kisses. "So." Kiss. "Fucking." Nibble. "Sorry."

She didn't respond in words, only brought his lips to hers again. He easily slipped off her bra then lace thong, leaving her completely exposed.

"So fucking beautiful," he mumbled against her skin, kissing down to her chest. She pleased him by letting a few moans escape.

Billie let out a loud, annoyed groan when they hard the front door shut. They quickly threw clothes on while Diego turned on the tv.

Ethan already knew about them so there was not really a point in sneaking around.

"Hey, Diego, got weed?" Ethan came in without knocking. "Hey, Billie," he greated, not being phased by the girl cuddling into his friends bare chest.

"In the living room," he responded, hoping Ethan would just leave. To say he was annoyed and pissed off about them being interrupted was an understatement.

"I think I want another tattoo," Billie stated after Ethan shut the door.

"Go for it," Diego responded.

She made a quick pros and cons, which was pointless because she already knew she was getting it. "Can we go right now?" she asked. Being the ADHD she was, once she had the idea she needed to just go for it right then. Waiting wasn't an option.

He looked down at his dick, then to her. She rolled her eyes, but laughed and helped him out.

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