thirty seven

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"So, how long have you two been together?" the interviewer, Jordyn, asked the two. Diego had his arm wrapped around his girl as he smoked a blunt. She relaxed into his side while taking drags from her dab pen.

"Not that long, but we dated last year for a bit," Diego replied, smiling down at Billie who was exhaling her smoke.

"What made you break up in the first place? If you wanna talk about it," she seemed generally interested in the two, unlike the others who just wanted the drama.

Diego looked down at Billie, silently asking if it was okay to talk about. She just shrugged, not caring. "She was living in Newborogh at the time and it was just hard keeping the relationship," he explained.

"Out of the two of you, who's the most romantic?"

"I don't think I'm very romantic. It's more of me being myself around her," he replied.

"He's way more romantic though," Billie spoke up. "I just roll with whatever he wants to do."

"Unless it's something you hate," he added. "She has no problem being petty about me suggesting something if she hates it."

She just rolled her eyes and took a drag from her pen.

"What's the most romantic thing Xan has done?" Jordyn asked Billie.

She thought for a second. "He randomly shows up at my door with iced coffee," she replied.

"With a caramel shot," Diego added. Jordyn thought it was cute how he knew her order so well.

"Billie, do you have a favourite and a least favourite lil xan song?"

Billie started laughing at the question. "I feel like if I answer it he's gonna get a pissy with me and I'm gonna offend people."

"Man, I wanna hear your answer now," Diego said. They've never really talked about his music, mainly because he already knew she supported him.

"I love wake up and the man. Those are my favourites," she replied to the question, avoiding the other part. "And uh, I don't really like no love."

Diego's instant thought was the video being the reason.

"There's just a lot of autotune, y'know?" Billie explained, making the situation uncomfortable for her. So, she took another drag of her dab pen before continuing. "Like, it's a good song if there wasn't so much autotune."

"I thought you were going to hate on the video," Diego said honestly.

"Nah, I don't give a fuck about that."

"Who's your favourite rapper?" Jordyn asked.

"My main man, Steven Cannon," Diego replied instantly, exhaling smoke. "He's just a great guy. Humble and talented." He turned to Billie so she could answer.

"I feel like I have to say you or else you're gonna get all mad about it," she said, playing with his hand, not being able to sit still.

"Nah babe, say whoever you want," he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, something Jordyn was for sure going to highlight.

"Tyler the Creator," she said with no hesitation.

Diego acted offended. "Well fuck."

"You said I didn't have to say you," she defended.

"I was kind of hoping you would," he replied, earning an eye roll from his girl.

"God, you're like a girl."

"Next question," Diego joked, smiling down at the fake mad girl.

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