forty eight

451 6 2


There was too many people over for Billie's liking. She hated that she didn't even know some of these people. They just came for Diego and Ethan. And not to mention, she couldn't leave Diego's side without a hoe coming up to him.

She was getting pissed off and no matter how hard she tried to loosen up, she couldn't. She kept sobering up after every drag of her new dab pen and after every drink.

She didn't drink often, but tonight she needed it.

Sure, she should be happy celebrating her birthday with people who love her - and people she doesn't know - but the entire night she just wanted to be home. She wanted to be with her dad - as crazy as it sounds, her mom, brother and sister back in their small, French, ghetto town. She wanted the small birthday parties where her mom would bake her a petit cake and buy her something cheap - putting everyones name on it including the dogs.

And to her surprise, she missed having nobody remember when her birthday was. Her family was the only one who remembered yearly, but barely. Her mom was the only one who counted down the days.

She missed having Dani, Cam and Toni come over, get high on drugs they couldn't even pronounce, and just have a fun time together.

That was the kind of birthday party she enjoyed; not this crowed apartment with rich people.

"Baby, you good?" Diego came up beside her with a blunt in one hand and a cup in the other. He had no trouble getting intoxicated.

She just shrugged, dipping a chip into the dip. She's been sitting at the island with the food for almost the entire night.

"Come on, baby, loosen up. It's your birthday," he smiled, trying to bring the smile back onto her face. He set his drink down before wrapping one hand around her waist.

She shrugged again, eating another chip.

"You don't like it here, do you?" he guessed correctly.

She nodded. "Sorry. I know how much work you and Ethan put into it."

"Babe, it's okay. Let's get outta here." He helped her off the stood and lead her out of the apartment, down the hall and to his. The first thing she noticed when she walked in was how the living room was set up.

It was so romantic with the candles sitting on the coffee table with food set out, blankets on the floor to sit on and a movie already picked out. From what she could make out, it was one of her favourites.

"I managed to sneak out for a bit," Diego explained with a grin. He knew she would love it.

"Why'd you make me stay there so long if you were just gonna do this?" she stressed, but she loved him for it anyway.

"Because you were on my ass the whole time. You know how hard it is to leave without you thinking I'm with a hoe?" He pulled her towards the blankets on the floor and set her down, making sure they both got comfortable.

"I'm sorry," she looked down at her hands, picking at the day old nail polish.

He looked at her confused. "Baby, you don't gotta be sorry for anything."

She took a deep breath, not knowing where this honesty was coming from. She never liked talking about what went on in her head. "I'm a shitty girlfriend. I mean, it's probably really annoying that I'm always complaining about shit and always asking you who hoes are. And I'm petty as fuck and that doesn't help. I dunno, I guess I'm sorry for being that jealous prick."

He pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head. "Baby, I love you and don't care what you talk about. I don't care if it's some random ass fact, or you're talking shit, or just ranting. But knowing I'm the one who you're telling it to makes me so fucking happy. And don't beat yourself up for being jealous. I'm the one who should be upset about because I'm the one who fucked up."

"I hate being so depressed all the time," she admitted for the first time since she was 13.

"It's okay. I get it," he rubbed her shoulder, making sure she knew for sure that he was there.

"I feel like I'm suppose to be super happy and stuff on my birthday but I hate this day so much. Like it's my least favourite day besides Christmas. I'm just never happy, y'know?" she thought back on her words. "Fuck I sound so dumb."

"Nah, baby, you don't." He kissed her. "Why don't you like Christmas?"

That's something he loved about her. She was different. While most people get super excited for things, she scowells at them.

"It's about family and shit, but my family is so fucked up. And we never had the money to get super cool presents and stuff, so that wasn't a thing. And, I always had to hurt one of my parents by choosing who I wanted to stay with on Christmas eve. AND, I always used to buy super cool things for all my friends and I just put a lot of effort in, but nobody really gave a fuck about me so I was like, well fuck that's a whole $200 wasted."

"I'm gonna make this Christmas the best and Ima spoil the fuck outta you," he smiled down at her as she nibbled on a few fries.

"Stop, you already do too much for me," she couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

"Because you're my baby girl and I love you."

She rolled her eyes although she loved his words. It made her feel all warm inside. "What movie is it?" she asked, changing the subject.

"It's actually a show that I though you'd love me for," he pressed play on the remote and the Loony Tones intro started played. "And, I got your favourite sandwich."

"Fuck off," she joked. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

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