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teamcallie: cant get over how cute this wedding was

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teamcallie: cant get over how cute this wedding was. wish i couldve gone 😢😢 i also wish someone would look at me like cam does to billie. like fuckkk 😭😭 also lmao cant get over how billie got cam to change into a dress for the ceremony
liked by billieprice, diegoleanos and 12,320 others
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billieprice: lmao we had to look hot af and she was makin me mad with her tux

diegoleanos: happy for them

billieprice: love of my life

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billieprice: love of my life. so glad gay marrige was legiallized again or i wouldve beat a hoe for not lettin me love my baby. shes honestly my world and i dont know what id do without her. love you so much cameron price 😙😙
tagged cameronprice
liked by ayallamae, madelametats and 800,209 others
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ayallamae: you two are perfect 😍😍

madelametats: im doin your couple tattoos.... just sayin

cameronprice: love this bitch sm and cant picture life without her

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cameronprice: love this bitch sm and cant picture life without her. lmao id honestly be overdosed on drugs a long ass time ago if it werent for her. thank you sm for keeping me alive from all the dumb shit i do because idk if the afterlife wouldnt be much fun without my baby girl. love you billie price 😚😚 god you with my last name sound so fuckin hot 😏😏
tagged billieprice
liked by billieprice, ekat19 and 609,230 others
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ekat19: can someone fill me in on that night? i got a bit too drunk

ayallamae: baby, you tried to grind on me 😂😂😂

ekat19: lmao oops. ill save it for the bedroom 😉😉

cameronprice: god i get your datin and all, but its still gross. like get tf outta my comments

stevencannon: still my favourite sign at the wedding last night

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stevencannon: still my favourite sign at the wedding last night. congrats to cam and billie. wish yall the best
tagged cameronprice and billieprice
liked by diegoleanos, ekat19 and
909,279 others
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billieprice: lmao thx steven. love you hoe

ayallamae: @ekat19 i think its true😂😂😂😂

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