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pussy ass bitch
get ready


pussy ass bitch
cuz im takin my hoe out

im not your hoe

pussy ass bitch
after the other night
thats debatable 😏😜

fuck off

ill be ready in 10

"What's got you in a good mood?" Toni questioned while making herself a snack.

"I bet she's gonna be fuckin' Diego tonight. Or right now. Who knows with Billie," Cam replied, not looking up from her video game. She was playing Fortnight, something Billie thought was stupid since it was so last year.

"That was one time!" Billie defended. "Now I regret telling you."

"You really should regret it," Toni laughed before taking a seat beside her girlfriend. "And didn't you say it was more than once that night?" Billie chose to ignore that comment.

"Well, I'm going out with Ethan. That's what's got me so happy," she lied, knowing they would believe it.

"Sure," Cam laughed, taking a bite from Toni's sandwich.

"Fuck off, hoe. This is mine," Toni slid over slightly to protect her food.

"Yeah, but you're mine so I can eat whatever you got," she winked before playing her game.

Billie rolled her eyes before heading to her bedroom to find the perfect outfit. She settled on a simple white ripped shirt with ripped denim shorts. She added a denim ball cap before basically running to the door. She quickly threw on a pair of shoes just as there was a knock on the door.

She answered it, making sure to keep Diego hidden from her friends.

"Say hi to Ethan for me!" Toni called as the door slammed shut.

"Ethan?" Diego raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't going to say I was spending the afternoon with you," Billie stated before heading down the hall.

As they entered the elevator, Diego held his keys in one hand while the other slipped around her waist. He pulled her close to his body, then leaned into kiss her.

"Diego," she warned. She hated the fact that she was enjoying the attention he gave her as well as the pleasure.

"Baby, you love it," he teased, giving her one final kiss with an ass squeeze before the elevator reached the main floor.

She let go of his hand before being dragged to his new and expensive car.

"Down for coffee?" Diego asked as he pulled onto the busy street. He remembered her addiction to caffeine that was the worst he's ever seen.

She smiled widely. "When am I not down for coffee?"

They made a trip to a coffee shop, Diego paying for both of their iced coffees - Billie's with a shot of caramel - before they wandered around the block. There was a cute doughnut place that Billie really wanted to look at. She never liked much sweets, but they just looked pretty to her.

"Want one?" he questioned, snaking his arm around her waist as she looked at the dozens on dozens of colourful pastries.

"I don't like sweet things," she reminded him.

"Ima buy your ass one and I'll eat some," he quickly kissed her cheek before letting her pick the perfect one.

"Why you always gotta make it about my ass?" Billie rolled her eyes before picking one with rainbow fruit loops on top.

"Find what you're looking for?" an older, friendly man came from the back.

Billie told him which one she wanted before Diego paid and they left. They ended up sitting by a tree.

"Take a picture," Billie said, getting ready to pose. He missed that line.

He snapped a picture with his phone before they continued to spend time together.

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