twenty one

458 7 0


You've protected your ghosting game," Billie stated as soon as Ethan entered her work. She was referring to last night when he begged her for nudes, then iced her.

"I could say the same to you," he replied, sitting on the couch across from her.

She was confused. "What do you mean? You left me on read."

Now he was confused. "Bitch you trippin'. You left me on read."

"I'm not trippin'!" Billie defended, showing the conversation to Ethan. Maybe he just passed out and forgot he didn't reply.

"What the fuck?" he mumbled, then showed Billie his messages. They stopped just before he asked about Ayalla.

"Diego," they both groaned in sync.

"What about that fucker?" Cam came out from the back with a box of new shirts.

"Wait, lemme see the conversation," Ethan instisted, wanting to know what he said to her. He didn't see the picture she has yet to delete.

"No," Billie held her phone close to her chest, not wanting to go through the harassment. She was already bothered enough because of the other night.

"You did something stupid, didn't you?" Ethan laughed, knowing his best friend too well.

"I still don't know what's going on by the way," Cam pointed out, taking the old tee shirts and throwing them - literally - behind the counter. Some missed and some barely made it.

"She thought Diego was me and she probably said something about loving him still," Ethan guessed, although it's wrong.

"Wrong," Billie stated, loosening her grip on the phone, only to have it quickly snatched out of her hands. "Fuck," she groaned as Ethan started laughing. Cam looked over his shoulder and almost started crying from laughing so hard.

"You're so dumb. I got pussy last week," Ethan laughed, handing the phone back.

"You didn't tell me that," she stressed. It wasn't true. He did tell her, just she didn't listen.

"You're dumb as fuck, Billie," Cam laughed.

She just sat there and pouted while the two joked about it.

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