forty one

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"Diego," Billie whined from where she was laying down on her bed. "Pay attention to me."

"What's this for?" he ignored her complaints, turning around to face her, holding a eyebrow palette in his hand with a blunt in the other. "Is it eyeshadow?"

Billie stood up to be closer to him. "It's for eyebrows," she confirmed. After he turned back to organizing her makeup desk, she stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his skinny body. "I think you deserve a break," she left teasing kissing along his neck and jaw.

"Babe," he said as more a warning. "Toni and Cam are literally in the next room."

She pulled away to give him an unimpressed look. "That's never stopped you before. What's up?"

He shrugged, taking a drag from the blunt before placing the eyeshadow palettes away. "Just not in the mood. And you deadass need to calm down with the makeup," he tried to change the subject, but she wasn't going to drop it.

"Bullshit. You're never 'not in the mood'. What the fuck is up with you? You're not fucking another hoe, are you? Because if you are I'll fucking beat her ass for fucking with you," Billie's blood boiled at the thought.

"We're going on tour," he blurted out. He was holding back from telling her for a while, scared of how she would react. Not only that, his anxiety was real bad lately and really just wasn't in the mood.

"Is that why you've been actin' shady?" she raised an eyebrow, not impressed.

"Yeah it is. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you thinking I'm leaving you," he stood up to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her body close. "I promise, you're the only woman I'm fucking with." He gave her a kiss of reassurance.

She wanted to believe him, she really did, but memories from last time kept coming back. He could lie, just like the last time. But she didn't want to think that.

"How long's the tour?" she asked with a saddened tone. He was right, she would feel as if they were all leaving her.

He hesitated. "7 months."

She didn't look him in the eye, knowing he would be able to tell she's hurt by it. She wanted him to stay with her, but she also wanted him to follow his dreams.

This tour would be big for him. He'd get to meet fans and just be happy, something she didn't want to get in the way of. She couldn't help but worry about groupies though.

While they stayed silent, holding each other, she kept wondering if he'd be able to stay faithful.

"Baby, I love you," Diego stated, leaving a kiss on her neck. She wasn't in the mood anymore so she just ignored it and laid back down on the bed. He returned to his position at her vanity in silence.

The only sound for the rest of the night was the burning sound of marijuana and Billie's music on shuffle.

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