forty nine

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The next morning Billie woke up smiling, naked next to Diego. They locked Ethan out - he was too drunk to even figure out he had keys anyway - so they had the whole apartment to themselves.

She wanted to use this time to talk about tour, but she also didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Baby," Diego mumbled, waking up. "Make me breakfast." He sweetly kissed her cheek with a smile she couldn't say no to.

"Boi, I ain't no wife," she sassed.

"Please," he begged. "I'm hungry."

She rolled her eyes, threw on Diego's sweater, then made her way to the kitchen.

"Baby, I've got an idea," Diego stated, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Hm?" she mumbled, spreading the peanut butter on toast.

"You should come on tour with me."

She turned around in shock. She wanted to go so badly, but never expected him bring it up.

He grabbed himself some toast before pulling her to the table. "I know you're just gonna stress out being here alone and it's make me so happy you being with us."

"Am I even allowed?" Billie questioned, taking a piece for herself.

He nodded. "I already talked to people and we've got another ticket ready for you."

She couldn't help but smile, knowing she would be able to stay sane the next few months.

"I love you," she grinned, giving him a quick kiss before remembering her ep.

"Lemme listen to it," Diego said after she brought it up.

She plugged her phone into a speaker before pressing shuffle on the five songs that were released last night.

The song order went something like this;

(lmao theyre all billie eilish except losing by h.e.r)
Six Feet Under
Ocean Eyes

"This is amazing, baby." Diego was impressed with her voice, seeing as she's never sang in front of him. "Is it wrong if it's kinda turning me on?"

She rolled her eyes, but took a seat on his lap anyway. "Weird, but not wrong." She gave him a kissed, which turned into them repeating last night.

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