forty two

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"You can't really be mad about it, Billie," Maddy advised as she sat on the chair, watching her give a tattoo.

"I know, I just am. It's not like I'm going to stop him from going or anything. I just wished he'd chose me, y'know?" she paused for a second, thinking over her words. "Fuck I sound like a bitch."

"Ever heard of the five month rule?" the guy being tattooed questioned.

(lmao i cant find the episode where this is talked about so ima just go from memory)

She frowned her brows and shook her head.

"Being so obsessed with Shameless, I thought you'd know," Maddy commented, taking a sip of the coffee she stole from Billie.

"Isn't that when they're on tour for more than five months than they're aloud to cheat or something?" the guy said, knowing what she was talking about.

It wasn't that Billie didn't actually remember this, because she knew that show inside and out, she just didn't want to remember. She didn't want to think of 'rules' where Diego would be aloud anywhere near those hoes.

"Something like that. I'd go talk to him about it though. I'm sure he'll stay loyal if you actually had a civil conversation without you being petty as fuck."

"Fuck civil. He isn't aloud near any fucking whores trying to get with him. He's my man and he's cheated before when he was in another state than me, so why won't be do it now?" Billie stressed, losing focus on the tattoo.

"You've a point. But this time, he knows what it's like to lose you and won't want that to happen. That's only if he's the one," he said with wisdom.

She let out a stressed sigh, putting the needle down. "I'm sorry, I'll probably just fuck this up if I keep doing it. Maddy, can you finish it?" she stood up from her chair and grabbed her coffee.

"Sure thing hun. Go talk to him, okay?"

"And make sure your feelings are clear," Wade added. "And don't be petty. He'll just get pissed off and won't listen to a word you say."

"Got it."

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