forty three

391 3 0


Billie didn't bother with knocking before she walked into Diego's apartment, expecting him to be laying on the couch smoking. But to her disapproval, it was just Ethan.

She marched up to him and instantly started punching his arm.

"What the fuck?!" he rubbed his arm in pain.

"Would Diego cheat? Like, if he's gone for 7 months. Would he get bored and go after stupid hoes?" Billie asked, getting straight to the point. Something she loved about their friendship, they didn't keep secrets.

Ethan sighed, then turned fully to his best friend. "You never know for sure, but I'd guess he would consider it."

Another punch on the shoulder.

"You're not suppose to say that!" she wished she wasn't so stressed about it. She only found out yesterday but already came up with every bad outcome.

"You ask for honesty so I give it. But fuck, you need to chill. If you're so worried about it, ask if you can go," he said, but she didn't like his answer.

"Fuck you. I'm not going to seem like the jealous girlfriend who doesn't trust him," she said as if it made so much sense to him.

"But beating up your homie over it isn't jealous? Like fuck girl, just have some faith. He isn't a bad person. Just talk it out and I'm sure you guys will be chill."

She rolled her eyes just as the door opened. Diego walked in looking tired as fuck.

"Talk to him," Ethan whispered before heading to his room.

"Hey, baby, I thought you were working," Diego sat beside Billie, wrapping his arms around her. With one hand rested on her ass, Billie didn't move much. "Everything okay?"

She nodded, but continued to stare past him. "Actually no. I'm just think about the tour."

He looked confused. "Baby, you don't have to be scared about anything. I'll always be here." He gave her a kiss of reassurance, but she wasn't feeling it.

"I'm just worried, y'know? I dunno it sounds stupid," she sighed, the anxiety and depression mixing together to form one huge dark thought.

Would Diego leave her for a much hotter girl while he's away?

She knew she wasn't the prettiest girl on earth, far from it, but she wanted to think Diego thought she was perfect anyway. But, the thought still lingered on her mind.

And on top of the random hoes she was worried about, it was his exes. He's opened up to her about a lot of girls he's dated that still try to get with him, so she was scared he'd get bored of her and go to them.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Something she thanked god for because it broke the awkward silence.

Diego quickly ran to the door to answer it.

"Now's not a good time," he said to the unknown person at the door. Billie couldn't see who it was, but she could tell she didn't want them there.

The other person talked quietly so Billie couldn't hear, then he left, leaving her pissed off and alone.

She just rolled her eyes to herself, grabbed her bag and walked out the door. There was Diego and Jessica talking in the hall.

Jessica nodded towards the stunned girl standing in front of them. Diego turned around and instantly regretted everything. But he shouldn't since they weren't doing anything. They were just talking.

But Billie still hated that.

"Babe," Diego started but she just turned around.

Sticking the middle finger up to him, she yelled a huge 'fuck you' to him before heading down the stairs.

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