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"My homie, what's up?" Ethan entered the apartment they shared. Diego quickly shut him laptop before he could peak.

Ethan was suppose to be out for the day, but apparently he lied.

"Nothing, man. Why're you here?" Diego tried to get his attention away from the shut laptop. Ethan caught onto something and didn't drop it.

"Are you watching porn?" he laughed.

"What? No," Diego was quick to respond with the truth. He was watching Billie's live stream until he walked in.

"Then why're you tryin' to hide what's on your laptop?" Ethan continued to press, not believing him. He quickly snagged the laptop away and opened it. "Dude, this isn't healthy for you."

Diego let out a stressful sigh. He knew Ethan was right, but he couldn't help it. After the tattoo last week, he's been losing sleep because of her. Also, on top of Billie being on his mind, his anxiety has been getting bad again.

"I know, I just can't help it," Diego finally replied.

"If you're gonna watch her live stream, I'm stayin'." He plopped himself down on the couch before turning the volume up. He lit up a blunt for himself, took a hit then passed it to Diego.

"I'm probably not gonna answer a ton of questions just 'cause my manager is gonna bitch at me if I don't post soon," Billie laughed as she set something down. She had finished her makeup, simple like always.

"How do you find the right one?" Billie read a comment before starting to laugh. "I don't fuckin' know. I guess someone who treats you right, y'know? Like someone who doesn't just care about drugs, sex and shit like that. Y'know? I can't really say anything because the only people I date only care about drugs and sex."

"Hold on, this is a good song," she mouthed the words to a song Diego didn't know before continuing. "What if she's already taken?"

"Find everything out about that relationship, mainly the bad things. Like, become her best friend. Don't come off like you like her, though. Then, when you know their relationship is shitty and they break up, you'll be there to comfort her and boom, she'll be single and into you."

She paused for a second. "That's terrible advice actually, don't do some fucking Gossip Girl shit."

"How do I know if my guys cheatin' on me?" she read again and Diego immediately wanted to shut it off. He knew she would lowkey bring up their break up and rant, but he wanted to come off chill around Ethan.

"Trust me, you'll find out. If not from him, you'll find out. Every guy I've dated has cheated on me and I found out. None of them had the balls to tell me though and I laugh about it. Like, I've cheated on people, but by the next week I'm sittin' down with them and I'm sayin' 'fuck, like, I fucked this person last week. It meant nothing. I was real fucked up and you weren't around' or something like that. But if they aren't man enough to tell you, fuck them. You need a guy who's actually got more balls than you do."

That hit Diego; hard.

"Dude, you good?" Ethan asked with concern, noticing the saddened expression.

Diego just nodded in response before placing the blunt to his lips and taking a cough worthy drag.

"Oh shit," Billie laughed to herself. "Micky is bitchin' at me already for not having the picture. So yeah, I guess I love you hoes." She smiled before ending the live stream.

"You sure you good?" Ethan asked again.

Diego just nodded before changing the subject.

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