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Diego got to the tattoo shop in a few minutes and once he entered, he was hit with the smell of coffee and marijuana.

"Bro, you made it," Ethan was the first to great him. It was only the owner, Maddy, Ethan and Cam in the store. He couldnt help but wish Billie was there.

"So, you need a tattoo?" Maddy asked once Ethan dragged him over to a chair. He handed over a blunt - that he had stolen from Cam earlier - to Diego, keeping his promise.

"I was thinking of it," Diego replied, holding the lighter to the end of the blunt.

"You've come to the right place," she smiled.

"Billie's the only who can tattoo today," Cam said, knowing how Diego would feel about that. She placed the pipe to her lips again, lighting the bowl up while Diego's face fell.

He didn't even know why he showed up if he knew this would happen.

Ethan has lowkey been trying to get them back together ever since they all met. Obviously, he hasn't gotten too far.

"Bitches, we back," he heard the all too familiar voice say from the back after a door opened, then shut.

Diego wanted to just stand up and walk out. He thought he could handle being around the love of his life, but he was wrong. All the guilt from that night washed over him like a bucket of ice water.

Billie soon murged into the room with her girlfriend by her side and coffees in her hand. She didn't seem phased by her ex sitting beside her best friend. It was almost as if she didn't even recognize him.

"A double double for you," she handed a cup to Maddy. "A double double for you," another to Cam. "A lame ass hot chocolate for a loser," another to Ethan. "And an iced coffee for me."

Diego had to admit, she looked so much better. She seemed so much happier than she did last year. She had a lot more energy and positivity.

Billie took a seat on the stool behind the counter, pulling Ayalla onto her lap before sipping on her coffee.

"Still want a tattoo?" Ethan whispered to Diego, making sure he was okay.

He just nodded. He had to man up eventually so why not start now.

"Hoe, you tattooin' this hoe," Ethan stated.

"What ya what?" she asked, reaching down to grab the required forms.

He stood up, walked over to her so they could have a civil conversation - even if he wasn't sure if he was ready for it. He explained what he wanted then she brought him into the back.

As she sat everything up, he couldn't help but notice the slight bounce she had due to high energy.

Throughout the entire tattoo, they didn't talk. She was concentrating on not fucking up, while he was studying everything that's changed about her.

Her hair was different, so was her style. She stopped wearing so much makeup. Overall, she was the same beautiful girl he knew last year, but looked so much better. He had to fight the erge to fuck her right there.

There was so much that's changed about her and he couldn't figure them all out in the short two hours.

Billie didn't say anything else to him since he knows the usual routine for tattoos, so she lead him out of the back. When they were halfway down the hall, he grabbed her waist and pulled back so their bodies touched.

"I missed you, baby," he whispered in her ear, placing a few kisses on her neck after pushing her long hair to the side.

"Diego," she warned. She wanted to say she didn't enjoy it; that it was wrong. She knew it was wrong since she was with Ayalla, who she loved a lot, but she couldn't deny that she still had feelings for Diego.

Besides Joey, who she ended up only using for drugs, he was the only one she actually thought she had a chance with.

"You can't deny you don't miss me, baby," he continued to leave kisses all down her neck and onto her shoulder.

"I can't," she finally replied and found the strength to push him off. "But I have a girlfriend so you're just an ex to me."

That hit Diego right in the heart, but he didn't show it.

He just pushed past her to walk out the door. He paid as quickly as possible before leaving.

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