forty five

399 4 1


"He's so fucking dumb," Toni groaned as Billie caught her, Cam and Ethan up on what happened.

"He was only talking to her, right?" Ethan confirmed. "You're just being petty as fuck. It's not like he's sleeping around with her."

The three girls shot him a glare.

"If she's the physco ex who called her a whore, there's no 'okay' for talking. And anyway, he tried to hide it from her, so why the fuck is any of that not sketchy?" Cam stressed.

"I bet it's just stuff with his music," Ethan defended his friend. Billie knew she shouldn't be so upset about this, but she just didn't trust Diego and she hated that.

She wanted to have that perfect relationship without worries, but that wasn't happening. She was too jealous and petty to have that.

Everyday she hated herself for that. She couldn't help but blame herself for every problem they've had.

"Just talk to him before you guys risk everything. Honestly, I'd hate for you to break up over something stupid," Ethan said, and Toni agreed. Cam however, she didn't want her best friend anywhere near Diego.

Billie sighed then looked down at her phone. She was hoping for a text from Diego, but her screen was blank.

"If he doesn't tell you the 100% truth, please don't go back. I hate talking shit about him, but I also hate seeing you hurt," Ethan advised.

"And if he does bullshit you, I'll be the first one to know and beat his ass. Got it?" Cam made her pink promise but Billie stood up and walked out. She felt her breath become short and it felt like she was dying. She almost forgot what it was like having a panic attack.

Only halfway down the hall, she sunk down it the floor and tried to calm herself, but nothing seemed to work.

Her eyes began to water as she searched for the slightest bit of air, but she wasn't finding it.

Before she knew it, a figure aproached her and instantly went to her aid.


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