thirty five

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Diego was pissed.

He thought this time would be different with Billie; that they wouldn't fight. But he was wrong.

"Dude, you're fucked," Steven laughed, handing the phone back after reading the messages. He passed the blunt back to Diego before he took a well needed hit.

"I don't know what the fuck to do, bro," Diego stressed.

"I mean, she is right, man," Ethan piped in. "As long as she isn't postin' her nudes on social, you shouldn't try to control what she posts."

"Man, I'm on your side, xan," Steven said. "She should at least consider how you'll feel about what she posts, y'know?"

"She's just being petty as fuck," he stated.

"You're being petty as fuck," Ethan replied, having a good point.

As Diego took a hit from the blunt again, there was a knock on the door. His manager entered after Ethan answered.

"Dude, get your girl. We've got an interview," he stated firmly.

"They're in a fight right now," Steven explained.

"How bad?"

Ethan grabbed the phone to show him. "Man, y'all just being petty as fuck. Go make up with her. We've got two hours until the interview."

Diego wanted to so badly, but he was scared. He was scared she would just yell at him, tell him it's over, then never speak to each other again.

"But first man, try to sober up a bit. She ain't gonna listen to a word you're sayin' if you're high as fuck," Ethan advised.

So, Diego took the advice and sobered up quickly before going down the hall to Billie's. He shook off all his nerves before knocking on the door.

To his luck, Cam opened the door. "The fuck you doin' here?" She raised an eyebrow, giving him a judgemental look.

"I'm just tryin' to make things right with Billie," he explained in a hopeful tone.

She sighed, but let him in. "Baby girl, you've got a visitor," Cam stated before walking away, after whispering something in her ear. Hearing her call his girl that, made him jealous, even if they were just best friends.

Billie was standing in the kitchen, making herself some coffee. She looked so at peace; so beautiful. Seeing her like that, Diego couldn't remember why he even hurt her in the first place.

"Baby," he wrapped his arms around her waist once behind her.

"Go away Diego. I'm not in the mood," she said, pouring sugar into the cup.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm just being petty as fuck," he pulled her hair to the side, leaving a few gentle kisses on her neck.

"Damn right you were." She stirred her coffee before turning to face him.

"Look, babe, I know I shouldn't tell you what you can and can't post, but I just hate the idea of other guys looking at you like I'm suppose to," he explained himself, hoping she would cave and forgive him.

"How do you think I feel when all these hoes be blowin' up your DMs looking for a fuck? I fucking hate that, but I don't go tellin' you to block them because I respect that they're your fans and you've still gotta talk to them because you love them," she replied. She hated to admit her jealous side because it made her feel stupid, but she did anyway. Lowkey, she's always been the crazy jealous type, but never showed it.

"Babe, you don't have to get mad about all them hoes trying to get with me. They're nothing more than fans, but you're my girl and you're everything to me."

She didn't want to look him in the eyes, mainly because she was close to forgiving him. She missed him a lot, even if was just a few hours.

"I love you and I shouldn't control what you post on Insta. As long as it's not nudes, I'm fine with whatever," he gave her a soft kiss - something she couldn't help but smile at.

"I love you, too," she kissed him back with a soft smile.

"Now come on. We've got an interview to do," he pulled away and began to drag her out the door.

"Did you just make up with me so we weren't fighting during an interview?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, babe. But it's a bonus," he smiled before dragged her out the apartment and to his.

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