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||> Before Everything <||

3 years ago...

In the mountains, there was a small village called: Sooga Village.

The Sooga Village might be small, but there was no doubt that there lived a numerous number of villagers going on and on about.

Some villagers were roaming around the village as a form of hanging out with their friends and loved ones, talking nonchalantly about whatever their lives have brought upon themselves; some were doing their daily jobs around the village, like a traffic enforcer, a police, a chef, or a delivery girl.

A gust of wind blew in the middle of the road, it seemed as if it came from a source that was speeding towards a single and straight direction.

It came from an eleven year old delivery girl who was driving a shiny red scooter that had a handful of her three uncles' famous Jajangmyeon Noodles.

The black haired delivery girl quickly passed and threw the noodles in the direction of each villager who ordered her uncles' recipe. It was pretty obvious that she was an expert at it because, not one costumer got splattered from her throwing the soup-covered noodles to themselves at full speed.

And each time they received their order, they would gratefully smile at the passing girl and say, "thank you, Pucca!"

The delivery girl — Pucca — had already gave the costumers their meals and was reluctant to go back home, which was her uncles' restaurant: Goh-Rong.

Taking a swift and smooth turn, she slowed down her scooter's pace and drove her way back to the restaurant.

As she passed by the houses and other people she knew from the streets, she smiled happily and enjoyed her little rendezvous.

The breeze hits her soft and white skin, the pigtails of her odango styled hair flew unscathed along with the red scrunchies that was used to tie them. Her red dress also flowed beautifully as it danced a little sway with the wind.

After a while, Pucca was already parking her red scooter by the Goh-Rong Korean Restaurant. Once she had the scooter in place, she quietly took the steps up before she reached the restaurant's entrance.

Upon entering the premises, she found the restaurant bustling with costumers along with their noises of various chatters.

Pucca smiled at the villagers as she watched how happy they were from enjoying their meal, as well as enjoying being with their companions.

As she walked by the tables of the costumers, they would glance at her to see who and once they realized it was Pucca, they would smile back at her and greet her with a; "good morning, Pucca!" Or with; "hello, Pucca!"

And as a reply, Pucca would either smile or greet them back.

"Pucca! You're done delivering the noodles?" Turning the said girl's head around, she saw one of her uncles, Uncle Dumpling, walking over to her with one bowl of noodles at hand.

Pucca replied with a nod and a smile. In Dumpling's response, he nodded and lend her the bowl of noodles he had. "Good. Here, take this to that table." He said, Pucca nodded wordlessly as she took the bowl into her hands.

She then looked behind to see the table she was supposed to give the noodles to. And once her eyes made contact with the costumer, it instantly widened and formed into big hearts when she realized that it was her ultimate crush and the love of her life, Garu.

Garu is a handsome young thirteen year old fellow—at least in Pucca's eyes—he is also known as one of the most strongest people in Sooga Village because of his skills in mastering the art of Kung-Fu and his other trained abilities as well. He uses this as an advantage to defeat his nemesis—Tobe and his ninja gang—and The Vagabond Ninja Clan. Although, he is still young and he still has a lot more to learn before he can completely become a master in Kung-Fu.

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