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I think everyone deserves this after everything this book has gone through❤️.

||> The Future <||

4 years later...

The Sooga Village has never been more peaceful than it already has. The beautiful blue sky above continued to flaunt its pretty white flurries that never failed to portray the beauty of the horizon as the luminous sun shined its rays of light towards the vast mountain where the village had proudly stood upon. It has been a continuous trial for the village for its numerous villagers, yet it was enough to sustain the warm welcoming smiles of each person that has lived in the small houses built inside the village.

And one of the residences in this village lived a prosperous beauty in the age of thirty as she had proudly stood upon the strong cemented entrance of her humble abode.

She had heaved a tedious sigh as she continued to stare at the lovely scenery in front of her. The years that took to built this beautiful extravaganza was a mere prospect of her life – or more like the life before her – that brings out the aspects of the uprising of the land.

It has been decades since then, and nevertheless had it looked decades older. She smiled when she watched a young girl chase after a young boy whereas both seemed to be playing a game of tag, but this game had reminded her of another part of her life which she could never escape and she would dream to re-live it all over again – it was a part of her life that puts all the pieces of the puzzle together and filled in the empty spaces in her heart.

It seemed though that this spectacle of her memory brought an even broader smile to adorn on her face. She would sometimes think that if she were given a chance to go back to one specific time of every season she has ever lived, she would always and forever choose that period of her timeline.

Seconds had passed and later, a hand had made its way over to her shoulder; gently pressing its palms on her skin that never fails to bring forth a chill running up her spine, whilst another form of touch had landed itself on her waist, wrapping itself around her tiny figure. "Hey," a simple whisper of his voice had called upon her right by her ear. "What are you doing out here? The winds are said to be a bit cold today, aren't you feeling a little chilly?" He asked her, lightly caressing her figure as well as stroking her long raven black hair.

He had missed how she had put up her hair in her usual and unique odango-styled hair. It was her trademark that always reminds him that it was her and would only be her. "Nothing honey, I just –" she paused to breathe a waft of fresh air from the outside. "– I just needed a bit of air." She exhaled as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the man that had held her close.

She had heard him hum a little before he gently spun her around to face him. She then, fluttered her eyes open to come face-to-face with the only man she had ever loved with all of her heart. "Don't be like that." He cooed, brushing a few strands of her hair away from her face. "You've been into deep thought lately – want to tell me what that's about?" He asked, quite worried for the troubles brewing inside the woman's mind. He had caught her multiple times in the exact same solitude she had done; slowly leaving the room without anybody noticing, – except himself – standing amidst a somewhere far corner of the outside, and drowning herself in her pre-occupying thoughts that he's been dying to know of.

Even at this point of their lives, she never ceased to drive him crazy for her.

He watched as her eyebrows furrowed lightly, crinkling her forehead, and her eyes that draws him every time to her presence. "I'm just happy." She answered, the words simply coming out of her as an exhaling breath, bringing forth a smile to ease the corners of her lips. "I'm just so, so very happy." She replied again, but only this time, her voice grew a tad bit louder than the latter.

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