Chapter 4

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||> Kidnapped <||

The same crickets chirped late tonight, the moon rose higher and became the new sun to the sky's darkness as it was accompanied by the dazzling stars scattered amongst themselves.

Pucca had just stepped foot on her bedroom window with an unfaltering smile smeared across her porcelain face. It showed a sign of happiness and joy, and just thinking about it makes her smile grow bigger and bigger.

She sighed happily as she flopped herself down on her red and pink coloured bed. She couldn't forget the recent occurrence just earlier, she couldn't even believe that she could sum up the same courage from before to what just happened earlier. Her heart beats faster and faster within each second she would reminisce their previous communication.

It felt like a dream come true — somewhat floating in the air — her feelings were out sky high and she couldn't contain this intense feeling. Pucca is very much in love with this boy, but seeing this to herself, she couldn't have fallen even harder for the talented ninja, Garu.

Pucca closed her eyes, the smile never cascading her face. Tints of pink was painted across her cheeks as she sighed another dreamy sigh, her heart fluttering and skipping an uncountable number of beats. She was truly living a happily ever after.

She was about to fall in a deep sleep when a bumping sound was heard.

Pucca instinctively opened her eyes and turned her head to the direction of the sound, but no source has been found. She only shrugged off that and thought that it might've been the wind so she prepared to close her eyes again and sleep a wonderful sleep.

But just as soon as she closed her eyes, the same sound reappeared again — much louder this time — causing Pucca to flutter her eyes open once again and sit back up to try and catch the source of the disturbing sound.

Pucca's onyx eyes scanned her bedroom once more to look for the reason behind the sound, but then again, she found nothing. She sighed heavily and shook her head. She was getting irritated and she didn't want that sound to be the reason she would explode in the middle of the night, it would sound a bit overreacting in her part.

But then, the bumping sound came back again — and it was definitely much louder than last time — and it appears as if it was just nearby her.

Pucca's heart began to race. It wasn't the same joyous race that she was feeling earlier, it was the race of nervousness and fear that came and attached itself to it. There are a whole lot of things that could happen in the middle of the night, which one could it be?

Crash! There it is again! But it's much different now. And it made her heart stop.

Because it came from just behind her...

"Hello, Pucca."

The next day...

The morning sun peeked through the window of Dumpling's bedroom, it's rays sneaking through the small opening and reaching the older man's closed eyes now squinting from the faint illuminating light.

Once he opened his eyes, he met with his bedroom's sandy brown coloured ceiling. He sighed tiredly, he woke up early again. It's normal, but he hates waking up early. He couldn't feel that he had rested at all when being in the food business is a tireless piece of work.

Dumpling was more than grateful for given such a blessing as having a successful business in the food industry and being the talented chefs he and his brothers are. And another thing he considers a blessing is their beloved niece, Pucca.

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