Chapter 5

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||> Garu to the Rescue <||

Earlier this Morning...

Waking up to a beautiful morning doesn't seem to shine as bright as Garu had hoped.

Sure, last night with Pucca made his heart flutter and give him the butterflies in the pit of his stomach. But deep within that pit of his stomach, the fear driven for the safety of the innocent girl was rushing all over his body — and most especially his adrenaline.

He couldn't not see the shadowy figure that he saw last night that almost resembled the figure of his arch nemesis that almost looked as if it was watching them from afar and had disappeared right after Pucca left his house — or his window.

Garu was supposed to feel cherished because of that simple, sweet, and loving kiss that Pucca had planted on the corner of his lips. Surprisingly, it didn't made him as embarrassed as before. Instead, he felt appreciation from her sweet little gesture.

That memory made Garu touch the spot where Pucca had exactly marked her kiss. He could still feel the warmth and softness of her lips pressed onto the very sensitive part of his face.

The ninja closed his eyes as he reminisced back to last night where she had arrived at his window.

He could clearly see her twinkling eyes that rivaled the shimmering stars on the night's sky, her rosy cheeks that reminded him of roses, and the unfaltering beauty behind her perfect smile. He could just look at her all day, and that was well enough for him.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to the poor girl if she was in — no, he can't think like that. It's too surreal.

"Pucca.." Garu softly whispered to himself, opening his eyes that darted right back to his window where she once was. He instantly blushed too when he reminded himself how beautiful she looked like underneath the moonlight.

But beneath it all, he had the worst feeling inside, and he doesn't know why.

And there is only one way to find out.


The villagers roamed the Sooga Village with the same eccentric and joyous aura as they happily strolled with or without any accomplices. Garu wished he could join into their delightful laughters and smiles, but he had other plans in mind — and it doesn't stop bugging him around.

He silently trotted the path that lead to his wanted destination — the infamous noodle-house — whereas, he would occasionally use his common courtesy and politeness whenever other villagers pass by him and treat him with different small gestures of good greetings in the morning.

Although, his morning isn't as wonderful as they had greeted him with.

Whenever he would look in each and every corner of the village, he would suddenly feel this sense of doubt and uneasy consciousness, almost as if he was looking at the deepest and darkest parts of his head.

He felt disturbed. As if a presence of some sort doesn't want to keep him posted. That little object — or whatever it was — was doing a great job at making Garu feel quizzical.

"Garu!" The said boy jumped in surprise after someone had called him. He turned towards the familiar voice and he sees Abyo with his hands on both of his shoulders wearing his signature grin.

The ninja blinked a few times before he had calmed down, heaving a sigh. "Ah, Abyo. It's just you." Garu replied in relief, placing a hand to his chest.

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