Chapter 10

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3 days later...

Everyone was already out of the hospital, although two days prior; Pucca needed an extension of three more days for Doctor Eun to examine her wounds and apply her treatments. Though, the recovery appeared faster – which was beyond Eun's expectations – and this gave her a ticket of discharge out of the hospital.

As they all headed out into the streets of the Sooga Village whilst wrapped up in white bandages and back in their casual clothes – that the nurses cleaned beforehand – they immersed themselves into the fine noodle-house where they have comfortably sat in a table, chattering to themselves a whole loads of stories as they waited for the restaurant's famous noodles to be served right in front of them.

In the midst of their conversation, Ching sipped onto a cup of Jujube Tea that she had only finished in one big gulp. The tea was one of the drinks under the Goh-Rong's menu, yet it was – in her opinion – a highly underrated drink that only a few villagers had liked. Abyo was on the majority who dislikes the taste of the Jujube Tea to which he found, quote unquote, too bitter for his tastebuds to swallow, when he had sipped the liquid that was mixed with the bigger daechu that Ching had intended to throw away when she had also tested the tea whilst making one for her own.

"Ugh, you're drinking that, again?" The girl heard Abyo ask her with a pure amount of disgust laced in his voice, and she could just see his scowling face glaring down at her cup and at her as well.

Ching playfully rolled her eyes as she shook her head, "yes, Abyo. I'm drinking my favourite Jujube Tea." She replied as she placed down her cup and slightly pushed it away from her before she switched her attention at Abyo who continued to glare daggers at her drink to which she chuckled to. "Why don't you try it again? It's really not that bad. Besides, you kind of snooped into my stuff that day so," she paused to shrug her shoulders and smirk deviously at him, "karma." She whispered.

Abyo grunted at her response, crossing his arms to himself as his lips sprouted into a pout that caused him to look like a stubborn child. "Hmph! You're a meanie, Ching." He grumbled, childishly whipping his head to the side that earned a fitting laughter from the said girl.

"Alright! Seven Jajangmyeon Noodles right up square!" Dada exclaimed with three bowls of noodles placed at both of his arms while Ring-Ring tailed behind him with the last other bowl in her hands.

"Hoho! You're getting better bit by bit Dada!" Linguini joyfully exclaimed as he watched Dada distribute the bowls to each of them. The blonde male afterwards, shyly chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Gee, I don't think I've done that much yet but, thanks, Linguini." He sheepishly muttered.

As for Ring-Ring, she made her way towards her former nemesis slash rival and gently laid down the food before her. "This one's for you, darling." She stated as she gently hugged Pucca from behind, knowing that she was still under recovery regardless of her discharge from the hospital.

The tiny affection brought a smile upon Pucca's face as she returned the hug while sighing, "thanks, Ring-Ring."

In Ching's perspective, she was glad that the two ex-rivals made up and became friends – even to her and the others as well – it was much nicer since they've all had grown up and became more mature for their age. A second later, she watched the bluenette leave to find a seat to be placed next to them while Pucca started to grab her wooden chopsticks.

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