Chapter 9

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||> Her Savior <||

Half an hour later...

Half an hour has passed and the group had just escaped from the hands of Tobe's premises. All members were equally tired and hurt from the fights, but they have no time to be tired right now, they still need to get to the Sooga Village Hospital to treat and heal the wounded Pucca. Though, it didn't take that long to get to their destination, they ran in and bursted through the doors that startled nurses and doctors.

"Help us! Please!" Linguini cried out as soon as they came in the building. The doctors and nurses were suddenly alarmed after they have found multiple battle wounds and trickling blood coming from them.

Soon enough, one of the doctors rushed after them. "Hello there, I am Doctor Eun. What seems to be the problem, sir?" The said doctor asked.

Dumpling immediately clung into his arm and cried. "Please! Save my niece!" He then, pointed out towards Pucca who was still lying unconsciously at Garu's back while Garu constantly checks on her.

Doctor Eun widened his eyes in surprise before he called out to the nurses who were still agape from the sudden intrusion. "Hurry! Get a stretcher and bring that girl to the ER!" He exclaimed in command and instantly, all nurses who were once just standing around changed out of their trances and hurried to get a stretcher for Pucca.

Four nurses attended the stretcher and they pushed it to Garu who carefully placed her down and helped the nurses to push her stretcher towards the designated Emergency Room.

As Garu and the nurses gave all their strength to fasten the pace for Pucca's life at stake, he couldn't help but to overlook at her open wounds and scarmarks that decorated her once clean and fair skin. It was still fair, although he just winced at the fact that she went through the pain, and he wasn't even there to save her from it. He felt horrible in that case, he wanted to be the one to cure Pucca even though he wasn't an expert in the medicine field – he felt as if he needed to be the one to heal her from the pain, the hurt, and the sufferings.

Later, he saw her eyes slowly blink themselves open – though it was only half-open – and her obscure dark eyes landed in his onyx ones that watched her every move ever so tenderly. "Garu..?" He heard her whisper, it was so weak and fragile, he felt his heart break and rip into a million pieces.

He hated to see her like this.

"Yes, Pucca. I'm here – I'm right here – just hold on for a few more minutes, okay? The doctors will heal you. They will save you." He breathlessly spoke, leaning himself close enough for her to hear him. He saw her twitch slightly, tilting her head to the side close to face him. "But –"

He cut her off, shushing her as he lightly caressed her hair. "Shh. Don't speak for now. It's going to be fine." He cooed, though he wasn't sure if that was for Pucca or for himself.

A few seconds later, they already reached the Emergency Room, and just as Garu was about to go through the double doors, he was pushed back by one of the nurses.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't pass through this point any further." The nurse apologised as he gently pushed the ninja away from the door. Although, as much as Garu wanted to protest, he just decided to keep his mouth shut. He wasn't in the mood nor did he have the strength to do so, though either way, none was the right choice, so he only nodded lightly as a response. "But," the nurse paused to scan him from top to bottom. "I think you need treatment as well, sir. You don't look so good yourself either." He pointed out.

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