Chapter 3

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||> Check up on me, Check up on you <||

The next day...

The sun rose exactly at 6:00 in the morning and roosters of different kinds clucked like an alarm clock. It might've awoken other villagers, but one didn't need to — for he never slept at all.

Garu was awake all night. He couldn't sleep because of Tobe's visit inside his household last night. The way he said those things sent shivers down onto his spine, and that was the first time he had done that to him.

It's almost as if his words put a spell on the sleepless boy. His words continued to echo right into his mind like a broken record player, you might think he was going insane by the looks of that.

But it's a good thing Garu was not the crazy kind. His sanity was still kept in tact and he only felt tired and used up throughout the entire night. Although his endless thoughts were what makes it bad, though. It can't put his mind at ease, nothing will.

Well, maybe not everything..

Garu sat up from his bed with a determined look in his eyes. "I have to see her." He declared to himself before he got up and prepared himself for today.

He puffed out a breath of air before he walked off into his bathroom and wash himself. His eyes landed on the mirror placed right above the sink and found his own reflection staring right back at him. The first thing Garu noticed were the tiny hue of purple forming under his eyes, giving a small sign of eye-bags.

He didn't realised that he was that tired from being awake all night, but it was safe to say that it wasn't noticeable at first glance. Although, it was going to be washed off after he showers.

Immediately, he took off his clothing and the bandages wrapped around his wounded body. You wouldn't believe how many scars and bruises the boy had dealt with.

Starting from his collarbone down until his bare legs, they were filled with unlimited scars — some cuts weren't deep, but the story behind each and every one of them is another big history.

Each drop of blood that each cut seeped out was the pain that he had to sustain. No words could describe the tragedies behind each pain. As the water hits his body and trickles down until the marbled floor, Garu closed his eyes and let the soothingly calm atmosphere envelop around him.

It's not that long when he felt solitude — it was a part of his training — but nevertheless did he do it with just his thoughts and feelings.

Thoughts. His mind went blank, although it was easily replaced with the same dark night when Tobe entered his room. Then it everything flashed too quickly, while his nemesis' laugh echoed as loud as his heartbeat, replacing with Pucca's face filled with immense pain and fear.

Chills went all over his body, not because of the water's cold temperature, but the thought of this purely innocent girl in the depths of terror.

As quick as lightning, his eyes bolted open, shaking his head to remove that outrageous theory. He couldn't let it happen.

Going back to reality, he instantly finished off his bath and prepped up more faster than the usual.

Once he felt more relieved — at least that's what he would like to think — he took one deep breath and let it out slowly with a sigh. "It's not gonna happen," he said to himself as he faced the door of his humble abode. "It's not gonna happen." He mumbled once more. And one last time, he took another deep breath before he grasped on the doorknob, twisted it, and went out.

As soon as his feet stepped on the freshly cut grass, he ran. His feet lifting him up — almost like the feeling of flying in an inhumane speed — dashing on about to reach the destination he had been longing for to meet.

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