Author's Note

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That was the first thing that came into my mind when I finished this.

I literally flopped back onto my bed and heaved a relieved sigh just right after the last chapter of this book was published like – I couldn't believe it, I finished this book before the New Years! That's probably – so far – the best and fastest time that I've finished a book for like, I don't know, all my years in Wattpad? XD

But then of course, I would love to thank all of you guys for reading this book, like I had no idea that this was gonna get a crazy amount of hella views. 5.48k?! That's amazing!

Honestly, this all just started because I missed watching Pucca behind the silver screen! And I would actually love to see an episode where they'd grow up – kinda like the last episode on Phineas and Ferb where they set out to college – and this book was like my long term overview of that episode ( most especially to the combination of The Final Battle and Kiss Me chapter where Garu realises what is truly important and confesses his true feelings for Pucca ).

But then again, that would only be in my dreams. T-T

Now that's set aside, I again would like to thank you guys so much for everything! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting throughout the whole Pucca Funny Love-story experience! I definitely had a blast whilst writing this!

It was a compliment for me that people read this, but the votes and comments were a bigger compliment to me and I was whole-heartedly touched every time my notification would ring a bell when someone would vote or leave a comment. I truly appreciated every single vote and every single comment! So, thank you so so much!

This inspires me more to pursue my career as a full-time author/writer. My original stories are still in the making that I hope would grow big and would be seen in the shelves of many bookstores in the future! I hope you can support me with this dream of mine that I would like to achieve.

That's why you can leave some reviews and comments about my writing, so I can improve more! Constructive criticism is welcome as well! But no hate please, just love!

And again, thank you so much for reading this and I hope you read more of my other stories! I hope this made your days of reading worth while!

That's all, thank you!

By the way, have you guys noticed that when somebody does an Author's Note the texts are somehow always in bold?

– Okay, maybe that's just me.

I love you all! See you on my other universes of books if you would like to enter it!❤️


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