Facts with Q&A

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Hey guys! How are you all? I hope you all are doing just fine being stuck under quarantine because, I'm honestly bummed out and a little bored so, I decided to share to you guys some facts about this book while I was under the process of creating it!

Prepare your minds for a blow-out!

Fact #1: This book started around 2-3 years ago and ended exactly on December 31, 2019 (literally a day before New Year) - you all have to correct me on this one, if I'm wrong, because I do not remember when was the exact date of when I first created this book. But what I do remember is that I was 13-14 years old when I started it and I was 15 when this book had ended (yeah, you could probably guess my age now).

Fact #2: I created this book because, I missed watching Pucca – like I've said on my author's note; it's been too long since I've watched the show and I haven't used our TV as well either (I mean, I had used it before but, that was a decade ago I think?)

Fact #3: Chapters 12 and 13 are filler chapters – these chapters are probably the ones that I didn't like because, the next major scene that has to happen after Pucca and Garu's confession on Chapter 11 was the blessing of the three uncles of their new profound relationship in Chapter 14, but I didn't want to make it seem rushed so I added two chapters to keep the excitement in. The problem for me on those chapters is what context I could put and how that context is relevant to the story and the characters themselves – honestly, at first, I didn't think that the little scene between Ching and Abyo, and the three chefs to work out like it did, that's why their chapters were shorter than the other chapters had. So, I'm not entirely sure if you noticed the teeny bit of laziness with the choice of words I used on those two chapters, but hopefully it did not show, although now, I'm glad that I created those two chapters because it kinda somehow showcased a bit of what's happening with those characters and how they've developed.

Fact #4: Pucca was supposed to 'fall in love' with Tobe – in Chapter 6, remember when Tobe had this vaccine in his hand and he was ready to inject it on Pucca? It was a love vaccine that could make anyone fall in love with the first person they see, but the thing about that plot is – doesn't it sound familiar? If you couldn't guess and you haven't seen that story then, let me introduce to you; What's Yours Is Mine (continuation of this explanation on the next fact).

Fact #5: This story is inspired by the comic called What's Yours Is Mine – I really liked how this story definitely turned the tables between the affection of Pucca and Garu, because in the show, Garu always runs away from Pucca because she wants to chase him with her affections (you could guess where I got the book's title). The plot of the story of What's Yours Is Mine was really good and unexpected because, even though Tobe only planned to use Pucca for revenge on Garu, Tobe eventually falls in love with the girl and had caused him to have a change of heart – and that exact description made me put effort onto Tobe's character because all villains are not born evil, they all just grew up in a world that does not understand them and that's when a villain is truly born. I almost want to add that plot on this book, but if I do that, I'd be plagiarizing the comic and nobody wants that – I'd even hate on myself if I continue with that as well so, don't worry! We're all original here!

Fact #6: Tobe was supposed to fall in love with Pucca – again, let's have a recap on Chapter 6 where Tobe had to cool himself down after he had accidentally slapped Pucca on her face when he had flashbacks of her deceased mother. Remember when Jing-Jing had got to a conclusion of Tobe liking Pucca? Well, that's just about it. I was supposed to make Tobe stutter with that question and in the end admit that he probably did but, that would make things more complicated and so far off of the original plot so I scratched that off, because if that would happen, I'm pretty sure Jing-Jing wouldn't like that and she would have her revenge on Pucca (almost like as if she would turn into Ring-Ring 0.2).

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