Chapter 11

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||> Kiss Me <||

The next day...

Another bright and sunny morning rose from the baby blue sky, filling the world with bright colours and variant contrasts. The light shone through the little slits and holes of each corner, one that included slipping through a window-sill, exploring the bright pink room.

The beaming light also found a little sleeping beauty peacefully lying on her bed, but because of its sudden visit, the girl peered her eyes open to welcome the visitor.

Pucca smiled once she found herself in her room, slowly sitting up as she rubbed her eyes from her deep slumber. She realised how exhausted she was when a yawn had unexpectedly escaped her lips, drawing her eyes to close again, but her mind was already wide awake. Although, it was true. A lot has happened for the past week and it created so many unexpected turns and twists of events that even her own mind couldn't comprehend, it even seemed a little too surreal, but as she checked to see the bandages around her body – she knew all too well that she wasn't dreaming.

And she wasn't dreaming either when she heard an unearthly grumble around her stomach area, had she realised that her hunger is starting to get the best of her, and she giggled to herself with the silly antic.

She then, decided to get off of bed and pop up in the kitchen, hoping that one of her uncles where already wide awake and preparing their breakfast of the day.

Once she was out of her room and was descending down on the flight of stairs, her nose had sniffed an aroma of food that caused her stomach to groan even more and her mouth to water. As quickly as she could, she dashed over to the kitchen and came across her Uncle Dumpling cooking and merely humming a tune to himself whilst doing so.

When she had entered the clean and tidy kitchen, her presence was made known and Dumpling acknowledged this whence he had turned around and beamed, seeing his beloved niece right at the door. "Oh, good morning, Pucca!" He greeted. "Don't worry, breakfast will be served in a minute! You can wait by one of the tables back in the restaurant." He proceeded, waving his hand as a gesture that she could hold back and wait to which Pucca had obediently followed, walking back to the restaurant and letting herself sit at one of the red tables.

Just like the elder had promised, a minute later, the head chef entered the room with a full platter of four, filled with a tiny tower of pancakes and a pile of bacon. "Breakfast is served!" He exclaimed as he distributed the plates in each seating and placing an equal and even amount of the food for each plate.

Pucca sniffed the air once more, grinning widely when the aroma hits her nose and the real meal placed in front of her, ready to be devoured. Dumpling had laid an equal serving if two flat and fluffy pancakes along with bacons on the side. She could almost feel her stomach reaching out to the food and her mouth chomping its way to it as well.

Her daydreaming stopped when she heard her uncle chuckle in amusement. "You seem very hungry today, Pucca." He stated, starting to add butter and maple syrup on his pancakes.

The said girl chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head before responding, "y-yeah, I guess maybe it was because I have been drained from all that has happened. I didn't think that from everything we went through I could have a proper breakfast." And right then she also prepped up her pancakes with butter and syrup.

Dumpling paused for a moment, his mind stuck to her previous statement as he stared at her whilst she had started to cut up the pancakes into small triangles. Then, he quietly did the same thing and sliced his pancakes. "That's true." He replied. "But, are you okay, though? I know it was a tough week, but I figured you'd be the one who was more worked up from the rest of us." He proclaimed, poking one triangle sliced pancake and brought it over to his mouth and munched on the bit with one gulp. "So, how are you?" He asked.

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