Chapter 8

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||> The Final Battle <||


Rampage was literally everywhere.

The Vagabond Ninja Clan's once neat and hidden place was not so neat and hidden any longer, thanks to a fellow villagers of the Sooga Village.

Each opposing side fought the polar opposite. Kicks, punches, and flying ninjas were scattered in every angle of every corner of the room. Every person had fought to the very end without a doubt, disregarding their scars, injuries, sweat, blood, and everything else in between as long as they have done what they all had to do.

"Where is our niece?!" Linguini shouted as he held one minion's torso with one hand while his other formed a fist ready to pack a punch whether the boy would answer him or not. Although, the ninja did not hesitate to bicker at him. "Better luck finding her when we're dead!" He then, kicked the elder's stomach as hard as he could and it caused him to fall back and release the felon.

"Oof!" Linguini grunted, holding his pained stomach before he glared at the ninja who was smirking down triumphantly at him. "Come at me when you can, old man." He insulted the man as the corner of his lips continued to be tugged much further. But, Linguini wasn't having any of this.

"Oh, I can." And in a flash, the elder wasn't found lying on the ground anymore. "What the..?" The ninja suddenly went from confident to confused as he looked around to search for the missing man.

In a jiffy, he felt a tap on his shoulder which made him look back although, that was the wrong move, for Linguini strike him at the back with his hit fully smacking him across his face that sent him flying to the other side towards the wall whereas it created a large impact with the ninja stuck to it.

The ponytailed man scoffed with his arms crossed at his chest as he glared at the ninja's bottom figure nailed to the wall, "next time, don't you dare underestimate me."

On the other hand, the two other brothers went head-to-head with four other ninjas at their tails. They were battling each other which seemed to have no end, yet this was the time for them to settle who will win their fight.

"HA!" Dumpling screamed with full force as he charged at a ninja who was coming after him as well. Once the two were close enough, the elder was fast enough to dodge the ninja's high kick and decided to crouch and trip him off which lost the balance of the ninja as he fell on his bottom. "Gotcha!" He laughed. But, before he could even make the next move, he was tackled to the ground with another ninja.

"Leave my partner alone!" The ninja hollered as he continuously gave punches to the older man he trapped beneath him.

"And leave my brother alone!" And just like that, the ninja who was on top of him flew off — to which Dumpling was grateful for so he could breathe — thanks to one of Ho's powerful kicks.

Ho then, looked down at his brother and silently bent a little and lend out his hand for him to take. The older chef chuckled, "thanks, Ho." He thanked his younger brother before he grabbed his hand and was pulled back up to his feet. "Don't thank me yet." Ho replied as he gave a quick skim around the two of them to find the same four ninjas guarding them, now in a circle. "'Cause they're not giving up just as well." He added as he faced the ninjas, his stance ready to fight them again and again.

"Well, they'll be around for another beating." Dumpling boasted, also readied and prepared. The younger chef slightly leaned back to whisper in his ear. "Really? Who saved your sorry little ass, again?" He teased which caused his older brother to flare up in embarrassment.

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