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Ray walked back over to her house feeling over the moon, she was still slightly in shock. She walked through her front door before running upstairs to her bedroom to grab a dress shirt before going to the bathroom to shower. After showering she put her jeans back along with the white shirt and tying her damp hair in a slick ponytail, walking downstairs she could smell her mom cooking some sort of pasta. "Ray ,sweetie, can you help me with this?' She asked her yellow-haired daughter.

Ray walked over to her mom, taking the plates from the cupboard she was signaling to. She set the table and sat down at her regular seat as her sisters should get here any minute now. After her sisters arrived they ate the slightly burned pasta that their mom made and sat down to watch the news on the small , box like television.

Her older sisters kept asking questions about school, work and boring stuff that Ray didn't give a crap about, so she sat there tuning out. After about 30 minutes Ray excused herself and said goodnight. She walked up to her bedroom , took off her makeup, put on an old thrifted sweater and black leggings, she let her hair down and brushing it through. She put on a vinyl , hunky dory to be exact and checked that her door was locked before climbing out her window to the porch roof. Lighting her cigarette she leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, listening to the music through her window.

"Careful you don't fall." She heard which ironically almost made her fall. "What the hell, dude!" David laughed and sat up on his window ledge, his white t-shirt hanging loosely off his skinny frame "Just warning you." he lit his own cigarette and grabbed his glass ashtray. "So , what are you doing out here?" He asked before taking a drag. "Isn't your family around?"Ray flicked her ashes away before replying. "Yeah, but its so busy and loud, i just need to sit aside for now."

He pursed his lips and nodded slightly. "Well, if you ever feel like you need some space you can always come over!" David looked enthusiastic, as if he actually wanted her to be there and not like he was just trying to be polite. Ray smiled at him , happy, ecstatic even. "I mean, you can even come over now?" Ray thought for a minute before grabbing her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. She stood up at tried to keep her balance as she walked over the slanted roof, jumping over from her house to his.

"You know, you could have went through the front door." he laughed before grabbing her hand and helping her through the window and making space for her to sit next to him. Ray's heart skipped a beat from the sudden contact and her cheeks blushed red."Thanks..." she said, trying to hide her face behind her hair but he brushed it out the way with his long, thin fingers. His voice turned more quiet. "Don't worry about it"Smiling , he watched her look around his room, her eyes scanning up and down the walls. "Your son," Said Ray, indicating to the picture frame on the make-shift nightstand that in actuality was a box. "how old is he?" David put out his cigarette in the ashtray and answered. "5, almost 6. You know i kinda feel bad, at such a young age, not having your father around, i miss him dearly." he looked down at his hands. "Where is he?"

"I don't know, last i heard his mother was shacking up wit my bodyguard, i guess he's with the nanny. I just wish i could be with him, be a good father."He looked sad , reading the situation Ray comforted him. "Hey, i'm sure you're a great father!" She hesitated before taking his hand and smiling at him and he smiled back. She dropped his hand and it fell back on his knee. "What about your father? i haven't met him yet." Ray awkwardly played with her fingers. "Neither have i!" she laughed."I see..." Changing the subject they talked about things such art, photographers and different book that they're both reading.

As much as she didn't want to, Ray knew she had to go home. "I'm sorry, as much as i have liked talking to you, i really have to go." she said, taking her stuff. "Okay, love." she smiled at the small pet name. "Don't fall on your way back." he laughed before she climbed back out the window, she gave a small wave, leaped over the gap between the roofs and crawled through her window, Smiling to herself and getting into bed.

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