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Ray felt that she was in a weird situation, which she was, but still she sat there, at 2am in the passengers seat of her mustang, while her neighbour drove her to NYC. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, maybe it was the fact that she was running away, or the fact that her celebrity crush was right next to her, it didn't matter, all she knew was she had to, as Sage would say 'digest them'.

"Are you okay?" David asked, seeing through her. "Yeah, I'm excited." He looked at her with confusion. "Well you sound nervous." Ray laughed and nodded. "Kinda."
"Hey, it's gonna be fine! But can I ask, what exactly happened? You know, why did you try to run away?" He asked , his expression turning serious. "Well I asked my mom, and I was right, she totally flipped out and told me I couldn't go, said I was to young." She sighed, she knew her mom would be worried but she didn't have the heart to tell her why she left. It was more than meeting Mick, way more. Ray has always hated it in Florida, she knew that she would have more opportunities elsewhere and she also knew New York would have those opportunities.

"She may have a point about being to young, but you deserve to get a chance, look, I've only known you for a few days but I already know how intelligent and talented you are! Like earlier tonight I could hear you practicing, it takes years of training to be able to play like that!" He shot a bright smile at her and she smiled back , again her cheeks tinting a soft pink. "You should probably get some rest, we have a long drive ahead." He said, after all , it's over 15 hours and judging by the traffic, this will take a lot longer. "I doubt you'll wake up soon, this traffic is terrible." David rested his arm on the rest under the door handle. "What about you?" Asked Ray, feeling guilty that he couldn't rest. "Don't worry about it."

Ray closed her eyes and turned slightly on her side, resting her head on the side of her chair, it wasn't long before her breathing steadied and she fell asleep. David on the over hand had no choice but to keep his eyes glued to the road, he could feel the heat taking a toll on him, sweat beading on his forehead. After 30 minutes of sitting in traffic the cars slowly started to move, and soon enough they where speeding towards Georgia. David looked over at the sleeping girl beside him, smiling as he watched her , her lips slightly parted and her hair falling in front of her face, soft snores coming from her.

After a few hours of driving David was feeling tired, he decided to pull over at a truck stop before his driving turned reckless and something bad happened. "What are you doing?" Groaned Ray, waking up due to the sharp turn he took. "Just gonna rest for a while, go back to sleep." He told her, rubbing his tired eyes. "No, I can continue driving." She said, straightening up in her seat, moving her hair. "No, you need to rest, plus you don't know where you're going." He argued before tossing and turning in his chair , trying to get comfortable. "Just lie in the back!" She proclaimed, noticing that he couldn't get to sleep. "I'd feel bad." He looked at her through messy hair. "Why?"

"Cuz you'd be uncomfortable."
He thought for a minute. "...unless, you would lie in the back too, you know so we're both comfortable... if you're comfortable with that?" He asked , looking down.

"Sure..." She replied, of course she was comfortable with it, she just didn't want to end up not being able to control her feelings.
Getting out of the car she let David get in first, his long figure only fitting in by him bending his legs, Ray being unsure on how to lie down rested on the edge of the seats, scared she was gonna fall off.

She felt a hesitant hand snake around her waist and pull her in. "I'm sorry, I just thought this would be more comfortable." Said David from behind her, a blush creeping to both of their cheeks. "Yeah, um, it is." Rays voice was shaky, but she tried to keep it under control.

She started to feel more comfortable before she felt herself drifting back to sleep, with her body pressed up against him she felt safe. But David on the other hand was still hesitant, scared to move in case he'd startle her.

Soon he also fell asleep and after a mere 2 hours the warm summer sun started to fill the car, the brightness almost blinding them. David buried his head in the crook of Rays neck, trying to cover his eyes and Ray covered her face with her arm. She stirred slightly before turning over, forgetting for a moment that David laid in-front if her. "Good morning!" He smiled at her, his raspy morning voice sending chills down her spine and waking the butterflies in her stomach. "Good morning." She replied back, a grin creeping on her face.

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