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David's hand rested on his knee , he frowned at the loss of contact, just looking at Ray made his heart beat faster, he knew it was wrong as she was much younger than him, but he couldn't help it. His eyes caught her light hazel orbs and he gave her a small smile. "Have you spoke to your mother about New York?" He asked. Ray looked down, she completely forgot. "No, I'll ask later, but I know she'll say no!" She looked disappointed.

Time passed and conversation flowed between the group as her sisters and mother joined them, until David left. "Thank you for having me." He smiled, kissing Jane on the cheek and the girls, when it came to Ray, he smiled and pulled her into a more casual hug. Laura and Charlotte giggled to one another and winked at the youngest sister.

As the girls got ready for bed Ray walked over to her mom. Preparing herself to ask if she could go on the trip that she discussed with David. "So, mom... David and I were talking, his friend is a photographer and he wants to introduce me." She said nervously, looking at her feet. "Honey that's great!" Her mom smiled. Ray sighed with relief. "So, you'll let me go?" She asked. "Where is it?" Ray could again feel the nerves bubble in her stomach, she crossed her fingers behind her back and stated. "New York city..." Jane turned to face her youngest daughter. "Absolutely not!" Rays heart immediately dropped. "Why not?! David will take me , and he's responsible!" She tried to reason with her mother but she couldn't seem to convince her. "You're only 17! I don't want you to go all the way across the country with someone you barely know!" Ray groaned before flopping down on her bed. Tears prickling in her eyes, she looked at her nightstand and realised something, her dads car, she had the keys, she could drive herself!

She stood up and grabbed her dark red backpack and walked over to her closet. She grabbed herself some jeans and shorts along with a bunch of t-shirts and underwear, remembering to take her purse. She changed her pyjama shorts for some regular shorts and put in her boots, she waited until she was sure her family where asleep before grabbing her camera and climbing out her window. She carefully tried to climb down the tree next to her house. "What the hell are you doing!"

She jumped due to the voice and looked over at David's house where he sat at his front porch.
"Sshh! Be quiet! I'm leaving." He stood up and walked over to her. "What do you mean? You're leaving?" He asked , placing his hand on the hood of her car. "I mean I'm going to New York." She opened her car door and got in but David's hand stopped her from closing it. "You don't even know where you're going!" Ray scoffed. "So what? I'll find my way!" He furrowed his brows. "I'm leaving and you can't stop me." He rolled his eyes and directed to the passengers seat of her car. "Then I'll come with you" he said. "What?!" Ray asked as he walked back to his house. Ray followed him , he was gathering some clothes and food. "You can't be serious!" She laughed , watching him grab supplies. "I am, I understand that you want to leave but it's too dangerous, I'm coming with you." He smiled at her before walking back to her car. " I'll drive." He said, Ray would fight back , but she didn't know where to go. "Are you sure about this?" He asked , looking over at Ray. She nodded at him and smiled before he pulled out of the driveway and off towards New York.

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