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(A/N: long ass chapter as a present ;) )

Ray looked down to break the eye contact and David closed his eyes yet again, Ray suddenly became cautious of her arms, unsure on where to put them. She hesitated before placing one hand on his shoulder and the other around his neck, he tensed up for a moment before relaxing and nuzzling his head into her neck, he let out a sigh of relief and he tightened his grip around her waist. Wrapped in each other's arms, sure it felt weird at first but they soon found comfort in each other and fell back asleep, it didn't take long before they woke up due to the loud noises coming from the highway, Ray rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up, David's arm restricting her.

"Wake up, its already 10:30." She said looking at her watch, her voice rough and her hair tangled in a knot. "Mmh, 5 more minutes." David whined , trying to pull her back down. Ray laughed and moved his arm away, getting out of the car and grabbing her purse from her bag, in which she had her savings she had been hiding for a few years.

She walked inside the gas station and looked around the shop, walking toward the coffee machine and grabbing two drip coffees, adding two sugars to both before walking up to the counter, she ordered 2 vanilla muffins and bought herself a pack of luckies as she was down to her last two cigarettes, still feeling slightly guilty that David was driving her all the way to New York she bought him a pack gitanes, not the healthiest choices for of course but she didn't exactly know what he ate.

She walked out and back towards the car, David stood outside, leaning on the bonnet, sighing as his looked into his packet of empty cigarettes before throwing it out. "Hey, got you a present." Ray said, walking over and tossing the packet to him, he grabbed it in his hands and thanked her before she handed him his coffee. "Black, two sugars." She told him, proud. "you remember?" he asked , surprised that she noticed the small detail from the first time they met. They both lit their cigarettes and drank their coffee, watching the cars go by on the busy highway, making small talk and planning out their trip. "I know someone with an apartment in Atalanta, we can stop there tonight if you want?" She said abruptly. "Atlanta , That's like four hours away." He stated, looking at her confused. "Yeah, but it'll be a whole lot more comfortable, plus it's adventure!" She smiled. David laughed at her silliness and agreed.

The pair finished their coffee and muffins before hitting the road again. "To Atlanta!" Joked Ray, feeling hyper from the caffeine. They continued to drive down the highway , hours flying by and soon enough they could see the high rise buildings of the city, she directed him towards the apartment. "so how do you know this person?" David asked as he turned into the small side street, just outside of the main city. "Hmm?" she questioned,unsure of what he was talking about. "The person who owns this place?'

"...um he's a classmate." David looked at her with confusion, seeing through her lies. "So he goes to school in mid Florida, but lives in north-west Georgia?"He smirked at her. "Fine! me and Sage took a weekend trip to Atlanta and got really drunk, he took us back to his place. But nothing happened!.. i think?"David rolled his eyes and got out of the car, grabbing his stuff, Ray followed and rung the bell to his apartment... no answer, she rang again, still no answer. "Shit!" she cursed, looking around until she spotted a glint of metal in his mail slot.

Ray smiled and reached in to grab the key before unlocking the front door. "What the hell are you doing?" David asked, concerned that she fearlessly walked into the apartment building. "It's fine! I'm sure he just didn't hear the doorbell!" They walked towards the small red elevator and pressed the button for the 2nd floor of the 3 story building. As the lift stopped they got out and walked towards the door. A paper note taped to the door read "drop packages by apartment 6, out of town till friday the 25th." Ray studied the note. "great! we have they key and he wont be back for 5 days, we'll just stay the night and leave tomorrow morning!"

She unlocked the front door and placed the keys down on the windowsill, David following cautiously. She searched the apartment while he stood awkwardly by the table. "One bedroom with a double bed, one bathroom and a kitchen behind you. I'll sleep on the couch tonight, you need to rest properly, you can take the bed." She stated, walking back towards him and placing her bag on the table, she looked over at the tall, orange haired man as he spoke up. "Don't be ridiculous! I'm sure we can both fit in the bed, i'm not letting you sleep on the couch." Ray smiled at him "Fine." She walked into the kitchen and placed their left over food that David had brought and water in the fridge. "we should order take out tonight, i brought a ton of cash and we haven't got any real food." she said, opening the windows and walking back towards David as he sat on the couch. He agreed as she sat down next to him, pulling the ashtray that sat on the table closer before lighting her cigarette.

They ordered pizza and watched the BBC 1 news, there was an article about how many kids and teens go missing each year, Ray suddenly felt guilt spike her chest, how must her mom feel? She just left , without explanation or warning. her thoughts where interrupted by David. "Do you mind if i take a shower?" he asked her while standing up and throwing his empty pizza box in the trash. "Um, yeah sure,i'll show you where the bathroom is." she said, she showed him to the shower before asking. "Do you think i should call home, i'm worried about my mom." she looked at her crossed arms as she leaned against the door frame. "I think you should," David lifted her chin to look at him. "she's probably worried sick." He stroked her head before heading to shower.

She quickly changed into a plain black t-shirt and her PJ shorts.

Ray sat on the bed, cigarette in hand,shaking with nerves. What would she say 'Hi mom, just ran away with our neighbor, see you soon!' No. After staring at the phone and thinking she picked it up and dialed her landline, it rang, and rang, and rang again, no answer. She decided to leave a message. "Hi, mom, don't worry, i'm safe, i'm on my way to New York, i'm sorry, but you have no idea how much i want this. ill call you when i arrive, goodbye." The small girl put the phone down and sighed before she laid down and took a drag from her cigarette. "Did you call." the disembodied voice startled her, she turned to look at David, yet she tried not to stare, as his skinny chest standing bare in front of her, his grey pjyama pants hanging on his thin hips.

"I...um, yeah, voicemail." she looked down, hiding her blushing cheeks. David noticed and chuckled, walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down, the clicking of his lighter indicating that he was lighting a cigarette. They discussed their plans for the next day and finished smoking before they laid down , in attempt to sleep. Ray had her back turned to David, trying to give him space. They soon fell asleep, enough space in between them for another person.

Ray woke up the following morning , sun shining in her eyes, which was strange as she had fell asleep with her back to the window. Looking in front of her realized how close David was, his face inches from hers, his arm slung around her waist and legs tangled together. She tried to wiggle away before she had to awkwardly explain that she didn't know why she was so close to him, but before she could , Davids grip on her tightened, pulling her closer.

"Stay here." he groaned, burying his head into her neck. Ray shifted, trying to get comfortable, they laid like that for a few minutes, comfortable in each others presence. "Good morning." She spoke up after a while. "Good morning." He replied, lifting his head and looking and her.

He stared into her big green eyes, before his gaze was averted to her lips, David thought for a minute before going with his gut.

He leaned in and to his surprise she copied, their lips met and Ray could feel the nerves in stomach explode. Her hands traveled to his shoulder and he pulled her closer, closing the gap between their bodies. after a while his tongue slid across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, she slightly opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to explore.David turned them around so she was on top of him, his hands sliding down her back and under her shirt. They pulled away to breath and he smiled at her before she leaned back down, lips about to touch they where interrupted by the ringing telephone.

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