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the following morning Ray woke up to the sunlight shining through the curtains, rainbows of light beaming off the mirror behind her, leaving strings of colour on David's chest. She traced patterns on his bare collar bones, stroking up and down his arm that was lazily strung around her slim waist. He stirred in his sleep as her slender fingers tickled against his pale body, he pulled her closer, pressing their naked bodies up to one and other. Ray tangled her hands in his now dark brown hair and leaned in to kiss him, his soft lips sending tingles down her spine. He smiled into the kiss, making her giggle and bury her head into the crook of his neck.

His fingers trailed down her back, making her pull closer to him. "Good morning, love." He smiled at her, moving her black, soft hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. "Good morning."

"What time do we leave today?" Ray asked, tracing patterns on his skin. "Whenever you're ready." He lifted her chin before pressing a kiss to her lips and getting up. He picked up his now dry boxers from the floor and putting them on, exiting the room to grab his left over clothes from the bathroom floor, in the meantime Ray now dressed herself in the spare black jeans and orange sweater she brought since her jeans where still wet and her shirt wrinkled. She brushed her hair and teeth before pining her black locks back, her over-grown, chin length fringe failing to the side of her face. Looking in the mirror she noticed small purple marks trailing down her neck and silently cursed David for doing so.

Making her way to the living room she was greeted by David, who was making a healthy breakfast of coffee and cigarettes, she prepared the bags and brought them down to the car before drinking their coffee and cleaning up their mess to make sure there was no trace of them being there. They dumped their trash in the dumpster outside on their way out and took off, what an eventful two days.

David put on one of his old Elvis tapes and drive down the Atlanta highway. Ray yawned. "Did you sleep alright?" He asked her, laughing at her as she closed her eyes, dark circles prominent on her pale skin. "Fuck off." She stated plainly, rubbing her temples. He placed his hand on her knee and shot her a smile, she took his hand and returned the smile before closing her eyes and turning in her seat, getting more comfortable, her black hair falling in front of her eyes and her breathing steadying until she fell asleep.

David kept his eyes on the road, looking over at her every now and then, a smile spreading onto his face. His feelings had developed since last night, getting stronger by the minute, he couldn't help it and he hoped she felt the same. 5 hours later as they bordered on Virginia David pulled over, his stomach rumbling and his eyes heavy, he tapped Ray on her shoulder, waking her up. "You hungry?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes."Well we've got a 5 star meal." He laughed, tossing her the bag of potato chips and a single bottle of water.

After devouring the crisps she could feel herself getting tired again and David was already drifting off. They got out of the car and crept in the back seat, as they had learned that it was more comfortable. David gripped his arm on her waist and Ray had her head tucked in his neck, smiling against his skin as he placed a kiss on he top of her head and played with her hair until he eventually fell asleep.

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