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Ray tapped on the steering wheel, concentrating on the road that lay ahead while David, who was still slightly terrified, directed her, almost at South Hill. "So, what are you gonna tell your mother?" he asked, peering over as she went to grab her pack of lucky strikes.  She laughed, shaking her head, she had no idea. "I hadn't really thought about it, i guess i just thought id run away from my problems." he pursed his lips and sighed. "good luck with that." he laughed, running a hand through his soft, brown hair. Ray smiled over at him, finding amusement in his joke.

 She continued to drive down the highway, hours feeling like years but with David next to her, she didn't mind. His mismatched eyes looking over at her every now and then, she felt comfortable around him, as if she had known him for years, and it was obvious that he felt the same. He cared deeply for her, he didn't care about the age difference, or what people would think, well, what could they think? He didn't  even know what they were. The news report had slipped far back into their minds as they sped towards New York. 

"What time will we get there?" She asked, looking at her watch. "Well by my guess, i'd say 2-3 more hours, maybe we should stay another-" Ray cut him off. "I am not sleeping in the back seat of this car again." They laughed as they agreed that they would sleep at Davids apartment, it would be more comfortable than a backseat of a mustang. 

the sky grew darker as they got nearer the city, bordering Brooklyn, Ray puled over as her eyes grew heavy, letting David take the wheel. She leaned against the window, staring at the bright lights of the city that never sleeps, desperate to keep her eyes open to see the scenery yet she failed. David rested his hand on her thigh, brushing his thumb over her soft, pale skin, smiling to himself as she slept peacefully. 

He soon pulled into the underground parking of his apartment building, finding the space labelled 304, David parked the red sports car in his spot before grabbing their bags and slightly tapping ray on the shoulder. "Love, you gotta wake up, we're here." She stirred in her sleep before going back to sleep. He let out a small sigh, picking her up and giving her a piggy back to the apartment, he set her down in the elevator as she leaned against him, he kissed her on the head while she snaked her arms around his waist, burying her head in his chest. Head grabbed her hand and lead her out towards the front door where she leant against the door frame looking around with a confused expression. "What is it?" he asked, watching he eyes scan up and down the walls. "I don't know, i guess it's just... cozy." he rolled his eyes at her. "Well, im not fucking loaded." He laughed.

He took Ray's hand and pulled her inside, setting the bags down on the couch, lacing his arms around her waist and letting out a sigh of relief, as his tired head rested on hers. He pulled her into the bedroom and laid her down on his bed, he smiled as she almost immediately fell asleep, reaching out for him to cuddle up to her. David stripped him self of his t-shirt as and let his grey sweatpants hang on his hips, and Rays tired hands trailed to her black skinny jeans, taking them off and sweeping them to the side. 

He climbed into the white bed that leant against the old window frame, wrapping his arms around the small of her back, pulling her closer as they fell asleep. "Goodnight, gorgeous girl."

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