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After a long, long conversation with Sage , Ray finally got her to calm down, and they where well on their way, only 2 and a half hours to go. Ray sat with a cigarette between her lips and her hand dangling out the window. "How are your legs not dripping?" Sage signalled to Rays leather jeans. "Oh trust me, they are , my shoes are like a reservoir!" They laughed and continued to joke about Rays outfit choice. "Like you can talk!" Pointed Ray , Sage's outfit consisted of some short-shorts . An Iggy pop t-shirt and a brown fringed jacket. "Hey! I look cute!" She flipped her long black hair over her shoulder.

After an agonisingly long drive in the humidity the two young girls finally arrived at the rock music festival, parking their car a few blocks away from the beach. "Okay, you get the drinks and I'll go push to the front and get us a spot." Said Sage, already pushing through the crowd. Ray pushed through to the bar , she didn't need cash as she knew she could get some drunk dude to buy her a drink, which he did.

Walking back toward the main stage, she carefully held the two plastic cups of beer in her hands, trying not to spill."Yo, Ray, over here!" Yelled Sage , as the first band of the hour where setting up and there was no music. She squeezed through the crowd until she reached her friend, handing her the beer."Ugh gross." Said Sage , as she hated beer , but as Ray's oldest sister, Laura, says 'beer is gross but it's cheap and easy to get drunk off of.' Ray took a large gulp of the barley based alcohol before crinkling her nose in disgust. "Ah ,fuck!"

Soon the band started playing, it was a young cover band and they where playing 'paranoid' by black sabbath. Ray laughed as she watched Sage swing her hair back and forth to the music, the loud bass shaking the grounds. After a few more hours of the lively festivities Ray was feeling tipsy , the amount of beers that she had ingested was now just a lost memory yet she felt herself want more. Before she got absolutely shit-faced she dragged herself away from the loud noise to a phone box a few blocks away where she typed in her landline number and waited for someone to pick up. After 3 rings her mom answered. "Hello?" She said , waiting on a response. "Hi mom," Ray tried not to slur her words. "Sage asked if I wanted to stay over tonight, I already have some stuff!" She swayed back and forth in the booth, holding the walls for support. "Sure thing, be safe! And don't do anything stupid!" Ray agreed and hung up, laughing at herself, she was already in a stupid enough situation.

She waddled back to the festival and bought more drinks, after drinking two more cups of beer she found Sage at another bar further down. "Here , take this."She handed Ray a shot of what she guessed to be vodka. They downed it and both made a bitter face after feeling the burn in their throats. They spent a few more hours out drinking as it turned dark out before Sage went off towards the stage and reappeared moments later. "Some guy said he'd let us in back stage, you know, meet some of the next acts!" Said Sage excitedly. "And how did you manage that? Show your tits again?" Ray laughed at Sage's simple reply of 'yep'

They pushed their way through the thick crowds until they reached the metal stairs up toward the stage. The bouncer winked at the black-haired girl and let them in, Ray looked around at the different acts and to her surprise there were some pretty famous faces , but nothing could surprise her more than what came next.

"Ray? What are you doing here?" She turned to see familiar , orange haired figure. "I uh, fuck." Ray was now more than tipsy, more than drunk and could barely even stand. Sage walked over to the two and marvelled at David. "Hi , I'm Sage, nice to meet you!" She Said, again slurring her words.

David sat the two girls down against some equipment before they could fall. "How much did you drink?" He asked before kneeling down to their level, but instead of getting an answer Ray just slumped down further onto the floor. "I love you." Mumbled Sage while trying to wrap her arms around the thin, pale man who sat before them. David rolled his eyes before asking one of his band members to help him carry them to his car, he suddenly didn't feel like performing anymore and decided to look after the two drunk teens instead.

Carrying Ray bridal style while his mate, John, took Sage, he sat them down in the back of his car and drove to the nearby hotel in which he had a room for the night. After bringing them up to his room on the 2nd floor he laid them down on the bed, as they had already passed out. David settled himself of the couch and laughed as the drunk girls tugged at the blankets, fighting for heat.

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