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After a terribly uncomfortable sleep on a the hotel couch David woke up to the bright light shining through the drawn curtains, the girls groaning from the pain in their heads. Ray turned around and grabbed the pillow from underneath her head and putting it on top to cover the light from shining in her eyes. "Ow!" Groaned Sage, pulling the blanket over her head.

David laughed and grabbed some bottles of water. "Rise and shine!" He threw the bottles at them. "Why the hell are you here?" Asked Ray, finally sitting up and rubbed her head, obviously not remembering much of last night. "That's not very nice."joked David as he sat at the foot of the bed. He explained what happened but before he could finish Ray stood up and bolted to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet and emptying the contents of her stomach, David followed concerned and held her hair back. She sat against the wall and leaned up against the sink , he rubbed her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug , brushing her hair out of her face.

After a thew minutes of sitting in there they stood up and he sat her down if the couch. He ordered some food for the girls and made sure the curtains were closed so that no light could get in the room. 30 minutes and 4 bottles of water later the food arrived, after eating the soup and bread they could already feel themselves getting better and David handed them both some pain killers to ease the headache.

"We should start heading back soon , are you able to drive?" He asked us , it was around 1pm and it was a 3 hour drive, Ray didn't want to worry her mom."yeah , I think so" replied Sage
"If you want you can travel back with me? I mean it's closer than if you went to... uh, I'm sorry I don't believe I got your name!" He said "Sage, nice to meet you!" David nodded and smiled at her.
Ray looked over to Sage as if to silently ask if she could and she simply winked back.

"Yeah sure!" Ray smiled at David, they collected their small amount of things before leaving. "Nice to meet you Sage!" He said, waving at the black haired girl, Ray smiled at her before getting into his car. "I hope she remembers where she parked" laughed Ray, putting on her sunglasses as they pulled out of the parking lot, the sunlight shining brightly into the car as Ray closed her eyes. "So what where you doing anyway?" Asked David. "What?" "Last night i asked what you where doing here, I never got an answer, shouldn't you have been at school?" He questioned her while pulling an cigarette from the pack. "Well I mean yeah , but this seemed a lot more fun." David laughed and Ray looked at him confused. "What? You're not gonna lecture me on how 'education is important'?" She asked , taking her own lighter in her hand and passing it to him , watching him struggle with his own, empty lighter. "No! I did stuff like that when I was younger, school is all bullshit anyway."

Ray lit her cigarette and closed her eyes, listening to the music , her headache was feeling a fuck-ton better and her hangover seemed to be going away. Taking a drag , she looked over to David who was tapping along to the music on the steering wheel , pale blue eyes was playing on what I assume was a tape he had, he looked over and smiled , which made Rays heart flutter. She looked around and the dashboard of his car , and noticed he had some polaroids taped to the front. "Did you take these?" She asked , many of them where from concerts and nights out. "Some of them, my mate, Mick, took a lot of them, he's a photographer." Rays eyes shot open and she stared at him. "Mick as in Mick Rock?!" She asked , she loved his work, he inspired her to be a photographer. "Yeah, he's a great guy!" He smiled at her. "I fucking love his work!" She exclaimed.

"I still keep in contact with him, I'm sure I could introduce you two!"

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