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Ray woke up the following day, her heart still pounding. She found herself disoriented as if she was still in a dream, unable to comprehend what happened last night, or the whole day, its not everyday that your celebrity crush moves in next door.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth Ray walked back into her messy bedroom and chose her outfit. After looking for a while she settled on some tight leather jeans and a loose muscle tee, she also grabbed her red vinyl heeled boots, i mean , its Friday after all.

She applied colourful eyeshadow and some black liner before heading down for breakfast. Rays sisters sat at the kitchen worktop, as they often wake up early. "Good morning, aren't you a little overdressed?" Her oldest sister, Laura, teased."Shut up" Ray grabbed a mug from the cupboard above her head. "She's trying to look good for the new neighbour, Mr Jones." Winked Charlotte. Ray rolled her eyes, making her coffee and drinking it while walking around, gathering her stuff, i mean why bother, Ray wasn't going to school today, fuck that, theres a festival in West Palm beach. She left the house and walked in the direction towards school, she took a look toward David's house, she couldn't help herself, noticing that his car was gone out of the driveway she felt slightly disappointed, not gonna lie she was hoping to see him that morning. Continuing to walk passed the endless houses she could feel her feet already hurt from the high boots, she could drive but didn't have her own car yet, she was working on her dads mustang that he left behind before he left but it was all rusted up.

Ray walked through the suburbs before turning into the street of her best friend, Sage's house. "Fuck its hot!" Said Sage , packing a cooler in the back. "I know, shit." Ray climbed into the passengers seat of the 1974 Maserati Merack. "Dude, nice car." She ran her fingers along the velvet interior."thanks , its my brothers." The two girls laughed before Sage pulled out of the drive way and eventually onto the highway.

"So , what about your parents?" Ray asked. "Well my dads on a business trip and my mom is on vacation with her friends." She smiled her Ray, knowing her freedom."What about you?",She looked over at her "Did you tell your mom what her wholesome young daughter is up to?" Sage snickered , chewing her gum. "Yeah-fucking-right, you know what she's like!" Ray looked out the window and laughed. "I didn't say shit, they think i'm at school, I don't know, ill find a payphone later and say in staying longer to study and that i'll be home late." Sage replied with a 'nice!' and they sped off toward the festival.

"Hey this sounds insane but I swear it's true, trust me on that." Said Ray after a while of silence except from the current Lou Reed song that was playing on the radio. "What is it , when you say shit like that you freak me out." Sage looked at her through the mirror."So you know i told you a few weeks ago when my neighbours moved out..." "Yeah cuz they couldn't stand hearing your mom yell all the time" Joked sage. "Yeah," Ray rolled her eyes." Well yesterday the new guy moved in, and well, he may be David Bowie..." She looked over at the black haired girl for her reaction, and damn did she get one. "What?!" Sage hit the brakes , which made the drivers behind her angrily beep their horns. "Shut up , this is important!" She shouted out the open window. "Well yesterday i went over and he's really nice!" The cars were slowly pulling into the next lane to get around them "And cute!" Continued Sage. "Yeah."

"But its no big deal!" Ray smiled
"No big deal, are you insane!"

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