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Ray looked surprised to see David sitting at the dinner table, a free seat next to him. She walked over to him yet before she could sit, her sisters stopped her. "Wait, Ray, come over here and help with this!" She furrowed her brows at the narrow request. "Looks like mom invited your 'boyfriend' over for dinner." Teased Charlotte, knowing that Ray has crushed on Bowie ever since she saw the posters for Ziggy Stardust. "Shut up!"She scoffed, looking down, a blush forming on her cheeks. "You know it's true! Plus it's super obvious!" Ray walked back to the table and sat down at the empty seat next to David.

"Rachel, sweetheart, I'm sure you know mr. Jones!" Said Jane, Rays mom. "Please call me David!"
"Yeah, we've spoken a few times." Ray smiled, she looked over to David as if to silently ask not to mention what happened earlier and he simply nodded.

Rays mom continued to talk, asking more about his personal life and career as Rays sisters kept eying her down , suggesting at David. Ray had to admit she had feelings for him, they've only know each other for a few days now but she has known him longer , all the times she has listened to his albums, hung up his posters, bought his t-shirts and just admired him in general has connected her to him, she already knew him. But yet again, they've only known each other for two days, he wouldn't have feelings for her , he was stunningly handsome, and she couldn't even face herself in the mirror, plus the age difference would make things weird.

During dinner she would glance over at him, finally taking in his natural beauty, his soft pale skin, mismatched eyes and of course his amazing cheekbones, Ray studied him, looking down at his black pants and his white shirt, a calm outfit that clashed with his brightly coloured hair that was now slicked back into a more formal look than his usual soft waves. His top two buttons of his dress shirt undone and his belt loose against his skinny waist, he looked like he belonged somewhere better than this small town, which he did.

"I never really got to ask," Laura spoke up. "What are you doing here, in Florida I mean?" David shifted in his seat , setting his cutlery down on his empty plate. "Well I had a few bad years , when I was in tour and I got into some bad stuff, I just wanted a fresh start, take some time off." He said, smiling at the women which sat before him. Ray thought for a minute till she asked. "But why Florida? It fucking sucks here." "Rachel Francis, you watch your mouth!" Shrieked Jane. David laughed. "I suppose I didn't really think, I just wanted to get away from L.A."

Conversation continued until Rays mother asked the girls to help her clean up, Ray stood up out of instinct but her mother asked her to keep the guest company, even though David tried to help, Jane insisted that he go sit down. The two made their way over to the couch where they sat on either side, Ray couldn't help but think about what her sisters said, was it obvious? Could he tell? Did he feel the same? If course not! He was absolutely amazing, and he barley knew her!

"You're family... they're very close! I mean, I suppose I never really had a close family but I've never met people like you guys." He said , bewildered. "Well, Yeah, I guess. My sisters, well half sisters, our dads left , so we only really have each other, my moms family immigrated to Australia but she still likes to keep in contact with her sisters and mother, we visit often, and my cousins are just like siblings!" She explained, moving her hair out of her face. David nodded. "I see, my mother had never really been a welcoming woman, and my poor older brother is still in England." Ray looked at him and frowned , feeling sympathy for him, she again took his hand, now less hesitantly. She was now feeling more comfortable around him, and he was feeling more comfortable around her, she smiled at him, which made him return a grin and change the subject. "Enough of being depressing..." he chuckled and Ray let go of his hand.

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