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Ray was awake early, really early, probably cuz she slept so much the day before. Cuddled into Davids chest while he laid on his back, She wiggled out of his grip as his arm dropped and hung over the seat. She looked at her watch and read that it was 4:30, sighing she tried to get back to sleep but failed. She watched David's chest rise and fall with each breath, his lips slightly parted and his dark brown hair a mess in front of his eyes. Ray leaned up on her elbow and swept it out of his face, smiling as she watched him.

She grew bored and decided that the best option to entertain herself was to annoy David, she's a good person.

Ray climbed on top of him as he stirred slightly, taking up the space she had left. Tracing her finger down his neck he shuddered and tried to swat her hand away, she laughed and tried again, this time his eyes shot open and he grabbed her wrist, smiling up at her before pulling her down to peck her on the lips, stroking her hair as she cuddled into his neck.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked, his morning voice so prominent it almost made her swoon. "You threw my sleeping schedule to the goddamn hounds." David laughed and kissed the top of her head, Ray sat up and leaned on the palms of her hands, hovering over him and leaning down till their lips met. David pulled one of his hands through her hair and the other on her waist.

He pulled her down to deepen the kiss as their chests touched, her right hand resting on his chest while the other wrapped around the back of his neck. They pulled away to breathe and she smiled, biting her lip to stop herself from laughing at his rat nest of a hairstyle. "What are you laughing at?" He joked, poking her side. "Nothing!" Ray let out a squeal as he pulled her back down, laughing at her surprised expression, he kissed the top of her nose before cuddling into her and falling back asleep, and soon Ray slept too.

When Ray woke up David was sitting on the bonnet of the car, a cigarette in his hand, she got up and joined him, walking around the red sports car and sitting next to him, she tried to light her lucky but failed as her lighter was empty, eventually David helped her out and they started planning the trip. "How much longer till we arrive?" She asked. "Well, if we really try, 1 more day, but I think we should split it in 2, so the drive is less tiring." She nodded, taking a drag. "I can drive." He looked over at her. "Are you sure? It's a long drive." He was concerned, possibly that she would crash the car or get lost. "I'll be fine! Just mark out where we need to go on the map and I'll find the way." He agreed and showed her the way, Incase he fell asleep on the way.

They stepped into the car, Ray now in the drivers seat, and sped off, David slightly gripping the armrest built into the door. "Don't you trust me?"she laughed, looking at his worried face. He glared over at her before breaking into laughter and apologising. "Hey! I'm a good driver!"

"I hope."

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