Chapter 8

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*3 months later*

My tour has finally ended and now I'm back at the mansion. My manager gave me a two month break but he knows that I'll make a new song for my next comeback.

"Shouldn't you take a break?" Master Yoongi asked.
"I can whenever I want to."
"Then why are you writing lyrics?"
"There's so many lyrics in my head. I want to write them down so I can look over it later for my next song."
"And that's how your albums ranked in first place?"
"Yeah." I put down my notebook. "Have you been flying to all of my concerts?"
"Maybe." He looked away.
"I should go. I bet the others are waiting for my blood."

Master Yoongi nodded and I left his bedroom. As soon I got out Master Taehyung was in front of me. "Well about time. I've been waiting." "I could see that." He smiled and grabbed my wrist. He took me to his room. He pinned me to the wall and bit into my neck. I can feel my blood going low. He pulled away and let go of me. I could see his eyes going from red back to brown. I fell to the floor with my vision almost going black. Master Taehyung went to get something and put a juice box right in front of my face.

"Drink this daily."
"Cranberry juice?" I took it.
"It's for weak blood. Us vampires will be drinking your blood so you have to drink it daily if you don't want to die."
"What if I don't like it or the taste of it?"
"Suck it up buttercup. Drink it for your own survival among us vampires in this household."

I drank the juice box instead of asking questions about it. "Oh Master Yoongi.......Why doesn't he drink my blood?" "Remember the first time when you came into this household, Yoongi hyung mentioned who's the pureblood out of all of us." I nodded. "In the vampire chart, purebloods are the high class but they are sacred. There's only a few family that are purebloods. Yoongi hyung is one of them. Unlike any purebloods, Yoongi hyung treats us like we're all family. He lets us do our own thing and we have a lot of fun together. We don't have to listen to his order but when things are serious we tend to listen to his orders. Why doesn't Yoongi hyung drink your blood is because purebloods can transform you into vampires. Most of them fall into the category of Level D and E. Only 0.1% of the transform vampires fully turn into actual vampire and go up to Level C. Purebloods can also kill you. Once bitten by a pureblood, you have two choices: one, you become a vampire or two, they will kill you."

*3 hours later*

I got a phone call from my mom.

"Ah Y/N!"
"Eomma." I smiled.

My birth parents died in a car accident and I was the only one who survived. I was an orphan for two years until my adoptive parents took me in. I'm living happily with my new family ever since.

"When are you coming back? Nayeon and Jinyoung are missing you."
"I'll try to come as soon as I can eomma."
"Y/N?" Appa was on the phone. "When are you getting married? Nayeon and Jinyoung are already married but you."
"I'm still dating probation. Only one more year then I can date."
"Can't you secretly date honey?" Eomma asked.
"Ani. There could be fans around and they would easily spot me which could put me on a scandal."
"Alright but hurry up. We want our grandchildens." Appa yelled.
"Appa." I was getting embarrassed.
"Well bye now. Call us when you get here." Eomma said.
"Kay bye."
"Your parents?"

I screamed. I look behind me to see Master Jin. I nodded to his question.

"You can leave. I'll go tell Yoongi."
"Yeah. He'll probably say the same thing too."
"Thank you Master Jin." I smiled. "But I need to go to my apartment.........and I don't know where we even are........."
"I can take you." He put out his hand.
"Thank you." I took it.

He took me to my apartment. I took out my bags and suitcase and started packing. Master Jin looked around the place while I'm packing.

"Master Jin?"
"How come you guys call each other hyungs while Yoongi is the pureblood in the group?"
"We feel like family when we're together. We known each other for a while now. Like 900 years ago?"

I was surprised how long was it. As expected from vampires to live so long and not age much.

"Did you need help on anything?"
"Oh aniyo. I'm almost done."
"How long are you gonna stay at your parents?"
"About a month."
"Do you need-"
"I know the way Master Jin. I've been there many times."
"Then be careful. You don't know what you'll face with. Use that-"
"Use the bracelet that Master Yoongi gave me." I finished his sentence. " Come on. I'll be fine."

I got up. Master Jin grab my bags while I grab my suitcase. We went outside of my apartment and I locked the door. "Where to?" "The train station." He nodded and went along with me to the train station. "Thank you." "No need." He smiled and left. I smiled and got on the train I supposed to take. Hours later I finally arrived in Daegu. I called my parents to pick me up and I waited for them. "Y/N!" I heard my name called. I look up to see my parents and my old friend.

"Jae Suk!"

*Yoongi's POV*

"She went back home?" I asked again.
"Ne. She wanted to see her parents after her parents called her."
"My family is in Daegu!" I shouted.
"How do you know that?"
"One, Shin told me a couple days ago that they arrived back in Daegu and two, I'm Y/N's fan so of course I know where her family lives. They lived in Daegu where my family is!"
"What to do? She already left. I already told her to use the bracelet."
"That doesn't make me feel better!" I yelled at him.

I activate my red eyes which led me to breaking the windows. I was so angry that so many thoughts were in my mind.

"What are we gonna do then?"
"Go to Daegu obviously. It's about time I should meet my family after 2,000 years of being abandon by them."

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